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Hi kitties


My head was pounding badly. I opened my eyes and was hit by the sunlight. I closed my eyes and tried to adjust it. I woke up and saw that I was in hospital bed and then everything came rushing to my mind. I don't know if the accident was natural or the make up one.  and id it was planned than I am sure that Mr. Grover is behind this. He has been behind us for four years. I don't know why but he thinks that we are his rival.  I won't leave him.

"You are awake finally." I heard my mother voice and I looked at my side and saw my mother. She gave me a small smile.

"Mom." I said and she caressed my hair.

"You had scared us to death." She said.

"I am sorry mom." I said and was trying to sit up.

"No you take the rest. You have gone through enough.' She said and pushed me back. I chuckled lightly and she glared at me.

"I will call doctor." She said and I nodded and she went out. Right now my mind is blank. I don't know what should I think and what should I not. I closed my eyes and saw  a person face and I smiled.

"Hazel." I mumbled and smiled.

"Good morning Mr. Patrick." I heard a unknown voice and looked at the door where doctor was standing with my mother.

"Good morning doctor." I said.

"How are you feeling?' He asked me.

"I am feeling better." I said.

"That is a good sign of improvement." He said and checked me and suggested me to rest. After he went out my father came in and he also caressed my hair.

"How are you son?" He said and I smiled.

"I am fine dad." I said and he smiled.

"After you get discharged from here. We are going back to USA." He said and I was shocked. If I go back then I won't be able to see Hazel and most importantly I want to meet Angela.

"Dad but I have unfinished business over here." I said and he shook his head.

"you will handle that after I solve this case. Till then you are working in USA. Your work Avis do. He will take over your work." He said and I looked at Avis who was my cousin brother. He smiled at me and i smiled back at him.

"Fine dad. But I would like it if you solve the case fast." I said.

"Why are you impatient to be here" He asked me

"Something which is precious to me is here." I said and my mother gave me amuse smile.

"It is something or someone?" My mom asked and I just chuckled.

"We will talk about that later on." My dad said. "You rest will come in few minutes." He said and dragged my mother out of the ward. I looked at the window through which the light was coming. I was missing Hazel badly. I want to meet her. I hope that she come and meet me.

"How are you James?" I heard Luna voice and looked at her.

"I am fine but you don't look fine." I said.

"Yeah, I have to go Norway tonight and might be I will be coming after next week and I don't have heart to leave you in this condition." She said.

"I am fit and fine but you were over here for one month how come you are going in two days only" I said and she chuckled.

"I have to go and meet the associates on behalf of my father and have to meet dad as well. He wants to see me." She said and I nodded.

"then you should go." I said.

"Then I will see you after one week and I promise that I will spend my one month with you only." She said..

"You better keep that promise." I said and she nodded.

"i would." I said.

"by the way why don't you tell your parents about Hazel?" She asked me.

"I will tell them once I heard the three magical words from her mouth. That day I will take her and make her meet my parents." I said and she shook her head.

"I think you should do now." She said and I was confused.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because she had said those magical words already." She said and my eyes widen.

"When she said?" I asked her and she chuckled.

"yesterday when you were sleeping." She said and I shook my head. She had said those words when I was sleeping. This wasn't supposed to happen. I want her to speak those words in front of me.

"I can't consider them. when she will say those words in front of me. Then I will consider it." I said and she nodded.

"till then she is hidden from you parents?" She asked and I nodded.

"You are acting like a kid." She said and punched on my arm lightly but I acted a bit.

"It hurts. You punched me so hard." I said and in one second she was all worried.

"I am sorry. I didn't have intention to hurt you. I didn't know that it will hurt you." She said and I chuckled at once and she was confused and when she realized she sighed.

"you have taken soul out of my body." She said and I was still chuckling.

"I am sorry." I said and she shook her head with a smile.

"Now it is my time to leave. I will talk to you later." She said and I nodded. She went out.

It was already evening but Hazel didn't came to see me one time also. I wanted to call her but I wasn't able to. She might be busy with her new project. Me and her were supposed to meet yesterday but everything was ruined when I got into the accident but that doesn't mean that she can't come and meet me for one time also. I would be satisfy to see her one time also. Maybe her work is more important than me.

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