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Hi kitties


Finally I have found her. I have been searching for her many years and now today my search is finished. And all this happened because of my love of my life. I am happy that Angela came there and above all Hazel knew about her and that is what make my mission a successful. Now I can help them in getting their empire back. I went in front of the door and press the bell. The house is very different. I looked at my back and tried to see the outside of the house which was decorated beautifully.

"Yes? Who do you want to meet?" I heard the voice and I turned around and saw the familiar Hazel green eyes and dirty blonde hair and there is no doubt that she is daughter of Uncle Evan.

"You had become beautiful woman Angela." I said and she was shocked. I wanted to laugh so bad by seeing her shocked expression

"Who are you?" She asked me and I smiled a bit. It's been while that she didn't see us. I think she had forget me

"It hurt me that you forgot me. I am James Patrick." I said in a dramatic way but I think that she didn't recognize  me. Both Skylar and her never called me with my real name but every other name so it must be that she forget me but she always used to call me grey just because my eyes were grey. Let's try this. I hope she remembers me by that name only.

"OH I got it. Do you remember that person whom you used to grey and always used to fight him?' I asked her and she thought for a while and then her face lighten up

"OH hey James aka grey. How are you?" She asked me and gave me a side hug. I am happy that she remembers me with other name. I am glad to know that.

"I am fine Angela. What about you?" I asked her

"I am very good." She said cheerfully and I smiled. She didn't change much. She is still that little Angela who used to go around the house without anyone knowing where she will be except Uncle Evan

"How did you find me? And where were you all these years?" She asked me

"It was very difficult for me to find you but finally find you. And I was in USA all these years." I said and she nodded

"How are your family member?" She asked me

"They all are fine." I said.

"Angel who is on the door." I heard a elderly voice and I bet that it is her grandpa. The cool grandpa you could ever ask.

"Grandpa it one of my friend." She said. And I smiled when I guessed it right

"Come inside. You are on the perfect time I had made cupcake." She said and dragged me inside.

"Grandpa see who is here?" She said and I looked on the people who were there. There were all the people and the two person who are copycat are must be twins and I still remember there name. Catherine and Carol. And the person who looks like uncle Ethan must be Ben and the last person is Eros and I think I got it right but among them there was little guy as well who was unfamiliar to me.

"Who is he?" Grandpa asked Angela and she smiled first.

"Dad he is James Patrick. Son of Xavier Patrick." I said.

"OH! How are you son?" Grandpa asked me.

"I am fine Grandpa. It is really a pleasure to meet you." I said.

"Come have cupcake." She said and I nodded.

"Mommy" That little guy called Angela and she grabbed him. Is she married and has a kid also

"You are married?" I asked.

"Yup I am. My husband name is Steven Collins and this cutie name is Tristan Collins." She said and I nodded.

"Come here baby." I asked Tristan to come in my arms and he easily come into my arms. He wasn't afraid and I smiled at that. Steven Collins. Great I have got to meet the elder heir of Collins. And i think he is the same Steven Collins who was so much in love with Angela when they were only young like me. But my love story wasn't that much successful. I looked over the little guy. He is so much cute

"He really is cute." I said and she smiled.

"You wait over here and I will bring the cupcakes." She said and I nodded.

"So I haven't met you ever in my life." One of the twin said.

"Because you were one month that time. But I do remember you all. You must be Catherine and she must be Carol. And he is Eros and he is Ben." I said and she was shocked but nevertheless she nodded.

"You still remember us." Ben said and I nodded.

"It was very hard for me to find you guys out but at last I have found you guys." I said and he smiled.

"It really been years when I last saw you. Your image is blur in my vision." Eros said.

"You were also small and kids generally don't remember everything so it is not your fault." I said and he nodded.

"How is Xavier?" Grandpa asked.

"He is alright. But he wants to meet you all. He was also searching for you all but was failed. Soon I will make you meet them." I said and he nodded.

"Is Tristan really Angela's son?" I asked her and he shook his head and explained me everything and I was shocked to hear that.

"That means Amy is no more in this world?" I asked him and he looked sad. I looked over Tristan. He is very small to understand about what is going in his life but I have to say Angela had handled this well.

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