Truth of the life

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Hi kitties


"Where are you phone?" I asked myself. Last night I have slept on the sofa only while I was working till late night and now I am unable to find the phone. I have to find it soon. I said in my mind and nodded. After a more deep search I found my phone under the pile of file. I grabbed it and was about to walk to my room when I heard the slow conversation. It was coming from my dad room. I went near to it

"Well that is great that you are having a pawn. So that you can threaten them." I heard Amy voice.

"I know that. Now I will take my revenge along with bringing happiness for  my daughter Daisy." Dad said.

"And what about Hazel?" Amy asked.

"I don't have to care about her when she is going to die anyways." He said and I looked in front and was shocked to hear that.

"What do you mean?"Amy asked.

"I will tell you later but not now. The divorce paper are ready and I know who will be able to do this work easily." He said.

"Who?" Amy asked.

"Hazel." He said and I closed my eyes.

"Don't send her she won't do that. She can mess up. I know who can do it for you and without messing it up." She said and I couldn't hear anything further because I ran away from there. I ran into my room and closed the room behind me. I went towards my bed and fall on it and let the tears fall which I was holding.

I don't know what my father was meant that I was going to die because as much I know that I don't have any disease which could take my life away. I don't want to think about the further possibility which I am afraid to know so let it be. But I think that Amy is doing many more things than my father. She is poisoning my father brain. But before that I have to stop that divorce paper. They shouldn't be send to them. It could only create trouble. I know who can help me the most right now but I am not ready to call him right now. I get up from my bed and wiped off all the tears and took my car key and went downstairs. I could still here them talking and laughing. I couldn't bear this more. I will do anything for my father but i think he going beyond his limit and here I am silent. I took my sports car which no one knows. I sat inside it and clutch on the steering wheel.

"I don't know where I am and what should I do when I am feeling all is betrayal that too from my father only." I said and tearing again made their way down my cheeks. I steps on the gas and drove away and as I exited the house. I speeded up. I didn't care about what was around me. All I was feeling was loneliness.

Why god why? You have to put me such situation in which I am that helpless that I am unable to think so much but want to end my life just now so that I could not see what is going to happen in future. I am afraid to see the future that will all bring me pain. If James would come to know that I was helping in killing someone than he wouldn't even forgive me and would leave me.  I am very afraid of that. I don't know what I will do when he will find. Will he give me a chance to explain also or not?" I said and was still going on the road on that speed only. Right now this speed was helping me a lot to get cover up from my tension and stress and I took a turn which lead to the forest. I have been over here before so me getting lost isn't possible.

I didn't dare to low the speed and continue to drive at the same speed. I might be risking my life by doing this but right now I don't have anything else by which I can clear my mind. But what if James comes to know that I was driving on the high speed which could risk my life? He wouldn't stop giving me lectures. I know he would be caring about me but who will make him understand that from what I am suffering from. I don't know how my future will be but I have to spend my life with James. I should stop now and I pressed the break. And soon the car stopped and I looked around and I saw that I was entered in quite dense part. I heard the door being opened and someone dragging me away. I looked up and found James who wasn't looking at me at all.

He must have found out that I was speeding my car. I gulped. I could see the possible thing which will happen in few minutes. We stopped in front of his car and he turn towards me and I didn't dare to look at him.

"Why were you speeding up the car? You know that it could be dangerous for you and still you decided that you would risk your life. Before doing it have you even thought about me what will I do if something would have happened to you. I think that you don't care about me that is why you had gone speeding up and risking your life." He scolded me. He was saying right. I shouldn't have but I am not in good state to give him the answer. I am too broken to give him. It is like that my whole life is in front of me and I am realizing my sins just now.

"Damn it. Will you speak or not." He said and I kept looking down sobbing. He doesn't know that I am broken right now so how do I expect that he will talk with me in calm manner. My words were stuck in my mouth.

"Will you look at me?" He said and pushed my face upwards and I saw his eyes on whom shock was written when he saw me.

"What had happened to you?" He asked in a calm manner and I shook my head.

"I had just realized the truth of my life." I said and hugged him and sobbed.

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