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Hi kitties


"Hazel."I heard my name being calling and I opened my eyes.

"What happened? Has James woken up?"I asked and she smiled.

"No, he is still sleeping. Here I brought you something to eat.You haven't had your lunch as well. Have this."Luna said and handed me the food. 

"I don't have any appetite."I said and she sat beside me.

"I know. It is hard for you but you have to eat something to keep you well or else James will complain to me that i haven't took care of his lover." She said and I only smiled. I nodded and started to took the bite.Though it wasn't big enough but for me right now the food is light a giant whale which will take the eternity to finish. But I have to be well or else I don't think that I will be able to also stand.I need few energy for now.

"You wait here, I will bring the water for you." She said and stand up and went away. I was relived that he is alive and as doctor has given him the sleeping injection and now he is asleep. He had also told that he needs a lot of rest to recover and I will made it do it. I went towards the glass window and saw him from there. I smiled. 

"You have changed a lot after you came from the trip." I do remember this sentence. Maybe I am truly change.Because I have never felt how it feels when there is situation where you lose your precious one.I had never felt what is like to be someone special person. Everything is new but is good one also. Maybe God wanted this only. He sent him just to open the doors for me to love. 

No doubt that I was having allergy from this word love because all I like to do was work and work. Whenever Daisy would call me up for the romantic movie. I always had an excuse ready cause I used to find it clinch. But the person who is in front of me had changed my every view towards love. I closed my eyes.

"Little Skylar" A boy who was around seven to eight years come to the girl who was around four to five year old girl. she was looking so cute in her little frock.

"What happened Jamey?" The littler girl asked and the boy chuckled.

"My name is not Jamey but James." He corrected her.

"No you are Jamey." The girl said stubbornly.

"Okay fine I am Jamey." the boy said and she squealed and the boy laughed.

"You are still little, little Skylar." He said and ruffled the hair and she was irritated with this action of his. She shook her head and come out from that ruffling of hair. She tried to tidy her hair up but she couldn't and then she pouted and crossed her arms over her chest. James laughed and then he moved towards her and helped her.

"you are so much precious to me little Skylar." He said

Suddenly I felt the pain in brain. I don't know why but whenever I dream about that girl my brain start to hurt a lot. But these dream come by themselves and give me pain too. I don't understand a single thing . There was James as well.Could he be the same James? I think I am thinking too much.It is just a random dream which I don't think is true also. My phone started to ring.I take it out and saw the my father was calling me. I picked it up

"Where are you?" He asked.

"I am in hospital." i said.

"You are okay?"He asked.

"I am okay but James Patrick one of our associate had met an accident." I said.

"Oh my God. How he is? Is he okay?" He asked.

"He is okay.He had survived the accident." I said.

"But how you know that he had met an accident?" He asked and I had lost the words.

"Dad his assistant told me." I lied. I don't want to disclose my relationship just now.

"Oh okay. When will you come back?" He asked.

"I don't know but I will try to come home soon." I said.

"When he wakes do tell me ."He said.

"Sure dad." I said and hung up. I again sat on the chair and saw Luna coming with water bottles.

"Any news?" She asked and I shook my head. And she sighed.

"I haven't told my uncle about this yet." She said and I looked at her.

"Why?" I asked her.

"Uncle will be very worried about him and it will affect his health." She said and I thought for a while.

"But won't he come to know about this accident by news?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"I had already handled the paparazzi. So the news is still not on the Television." She said and I nodded.

"I think you should tell him. If he comes to know about this later than it won't be good maybe later it could also affect his health more." I said and she sighed.

"I think I will do this only. I will tell Uncle soon." She said and we again went silent again. I don't know what to talk and what not. I was just hoping that now he opens his eyes.

"You should take the rest now. You have been over here more than 3 hours." I heard Luna.

"I don't care about how much time I spend over here.I just want him to be safe and sound. I will go back when he will wake up."  I said and she smiled.

"Won't you family be worrying about you?" She asked and I shook my head.

"No, I had already talked with my dad. I had already informed him about my location." I said and she nodded.

"I think James had chose the right person as his companion." She said and I just stayed silent.

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