met again

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Hi kitties


So right now I was in front of my real parents but I was out of the words. I looked over James who was drinking his coffee very calmly. Here I am struggling with my parents and he has to drink the coffee.

"Uhh....Skylar you must be hungry come and let's have lunch." Mrs. Hemsworth said. I am still having struggle to speak mom and dad but I am hoping soon I will be able to say that.

"Yeah." I said and I freshen up and saw Mrs. Hemsworth outside. Her eyes were shone with the tears and I assume that they were of happiness. She come towards me and caressed me and hugged me.

"I thought that I had lost you long ago after seeing that death of the girl but somewhere in my heart  I knew that you were alive. It is very happy moment for me that you had return back to me my dear daughter. You don't know how these 18 years had passed by both of us but now I am feeling alive. I am very happy to see you and I hope that you won't go anywhere else now." She said and I smiled.

"Mrs..... I mean Mom. I won't leave you. I won't. Though I don't know still how I will adjust with you all but will try my best to be one of them." I said and she smiled.

"You don't have to be one of us because you are special my child. You are special." She said and that made me feel that how much I have missed a mother presence in my life.

"It's really feel like that I have finally returned to my home and the place from where I truly belong to ." I said and she smiled and caressed my face.

"Let's go. I have made your favorite food. Though I have made what you like to eat when you were small. I hope you would like to eat it." She said and I shook my head.

"Whatever you will make I will eat it without any hesitation." I said and she smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I will go you come in a while." She said and I nodded and she went out from the room. I looked at the mirror and could that my eyes were today sparkling in happiness. It had been time since I had seen the face of happiness. But today I am feeling reviled that now I have come out from the darkness and know the truth about myself. I am very very happy about that.

"What you are looking at?" I saw James through the mirror and I smiled.

"Just seeing how much happiness I had got and the darkness from my life had gone for forever. I am feeling like I am alive again and no more suffocation can conquer me now." I said and he smiled and hugged me from behind. I giggled.

"Now that darkness won't even cast it's shadow on you because I will be with you on every step of the life and would love you to eternity. And no one can harm you until I am alive." He said and that made me smile.

"I would love to see that." I said.

"Let's go and eat downstairs." He said and I nodded.

"Finally the dream of mine had come true. A parents and loving friends and a handsome boyfriend." I said and he smiled and kissed my cheek.

"I am glad that you find me handsome." He said and  I giggled.

"I think I will love to eat food before any kind of dessert." I said and get out from his grip and ran downstairs.

"Skylar." He shouted but I giggled and didn't stopped for him.

"It is so much good to see you running again in this house." I heard a deep voice. I looked around and saw my dad.

"Hmmm..." I said and he smiled and put his hand on my head and patted.

"Dad." I said and hugged him and he also started to caress my back.

"I missed you so much Skylar." He said and kissed on my head.

"I know." I said and chuckled.

"Let's go the food the ready." I heard mom saying and I nodded and we all sat down and started to talk though I was still uncomfortable but I was trying to make myself as comfortable as I can. And when I tasted the food I could recognize the taste. I now know why I used to like it so much because my mother used to make this food in very a delicious way. I am thanking God that he had sent Angela because of her only I come to know about my real  existence in this world. But at the same time I am feeling so much guilty because I was also the part of the plan in which I also want to destroy my own family only. After having the food I sat on the sofa in the living room. Suddenly my phone started to ring. It was from Carmen. I haven't lost my contact with both the twin brother. Claude is still keeping his eyes on Daisy because right now she is in need of observation and I am hoping that someone will come and will take care of her because I still think that she is not mature enough to take her own decision. I picked up the call.

"Hello Carmen." I said.

"You won't believe I have found someone with whom you wanted to meet." He said.

"Are you talking about Hazel Windsor?" I asked him.

"yeah. I am sending you her location." He said and hung up. I got outside from the house and went straight to the place which was provided by Carmen. It was a cafe. I saw Carmen outside.

"Is she inside?" I asked him and he nodded. I went inside and saw her sitting on the table.

"Should I call you Hazel Ibsen or Hazel Windsor?" I asked and she looked at me firstly shocked and then clam.

"Let's talk now as we met again." She said and I nodded and sat in front of her and waited for her explanation.

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