sweetest thing

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Hi kitties


"Are you ready to go back?" I asked her and she smiled.

"Yeah, I don't think that I will ever forget this journey. I really like no no...  I really loved this place. I had created a beautiful memory over here and I don't think that they will ever erase my mind." She said and I smiled. I grabbed her hand and kissed on them and she blushed a little. 

"You are so thoughtful. I promise that I will keep you happy for forever." I said and she smiled.

"James I had a question." She said and I nodded.

"I am all ears."  I said.

"Why do you even love a girl like me?" She asked me and I was confused.

"What do you mean by 'girl like you'? " I asked her.

"I am am very straightforward and bold. And doesn't care what I say to people. Some people say that I have an arrogant heart that's why I don't let anyone inside me." She said and I chuckled.

"I was also known as arrogant person with arrogant heart.  But that arrogant heart doesn't listen to me when my eyes fall on you.  I don't see your flaw but the perfection you do. Maybe that is why I love you.  And I promise that till I die I will be by your side." I said and she smiled.

"You don't know how much your words mean to me." She said and engulfed me into a hug and I could literally hear my own heartbeat and the spark which had generated between her and me. I smiled. She also means so much to me.

"Let's go to the our last destination." I said and she released the hug which I wanted never to be end but I can't do anything right now. 

"Wait a minute. I am coming in five minutes." She said and went towards washroom. I waited for her.  Today I don't know why but I am quite happy today. I guess I am happy because O have got such a amazing person in my life and I promise myself that in near future I won't hurt her ever.  She deserves the best.

But sometime her father thing caught up my mind. I think I have to find out soon. I have go find the Millers as well as have to find what is with Mr.  Windsor.  I am sure something is between all this thing in thing.

As much my dad had told me that someday Windsor were also our friends but something happened that they prefered to break a the relationship with us.  But I don't know what the reason was. But as I heard there is no one who heard about the reason. If is kind of buried already.

"I am here." I heard Hazel voice which brought me back to the earth.  I will find it soon and will close everything while has started. And I think there are few people who can clear this misunderstanding and above all that is Mr.  Windsor himself.  But as much as I think he won't be telling me anything. I have to find it myself only.

"where are you lost? " Hazel asked me.

"No where.  Just was thinking that 4th our trip is finally coming to an end." I said and she nodded.

"I am sad about that but no problem.  Maybe in future we can come back here and have much more time to spend." She said and I nodded and wrapped my arm around her waist and she jumped a little but she was okay after that. 

"Let's go to the Eiffel Tower now." I said and she squealed and I smiled at her childlessness.

"So we go your highness?" I asked her.

"Yeah why not Mr. James Patrick." She said dramatically and we both laughed at it.  We come out from the hotel and started to walk away. I saw something terrifying. There was a kid of three or four years old who had come on the road and I don't think her mother knows that yet. I looked at the right from where the car was coming in the full speed.  I left Hazel.

"James" She called but I haven't waste the time before I catch the kid and made him stand on the other side of the road.  Her mother came with worried look.

"Thank you very much sir." She said in French and I nodded. 

"Please take care of your son." I replied in French only and she nodded and went away and I go toward Hazel who was looking at me only.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"Nothing. I was just moved by your act that happened a few minutes ago." She said with a smile and I smiled. I never thought that I will be again fall in love and someone would be there who will make me go crazy. But I think I like this thing.

"Let's go we have go see Eiffel Tower as well." She said and started to drag me away. I let her and it was almost evening when we reached there.  We could see Eiffel Tower in light.  That will be great view I think.  Yeah it could be.  We reached the tower and it was beautiful when I am with a beautiful girl beside me. 

"Let's go up." She said and again dragged me.

"Ms.  Windsor please  stop dragging me. I have legs sit which I can walk." I said and she stopped in her tracks.

"What happened?" I asked her

"I don't know but Ms.  Windsor didn't ring good to me." She said and it left me in confusion. " Never mind.  Let's go up." She said and we go up and reached know the height and I could the beautiful city k front of me which was informed r on the of me lighting with lights.

"James." Hazel called me.

"Wha-" Before I could say she crashed her lips over mine. I was shocked at first but afterward I kissed her back. And K can that this was the sweetest thing in the world.

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