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Hi kitties


I was roaming around this New York city. Today I have no work and I was feeling bore at the home so I thought of going out and get to know this city more. Though I wanted that James would be here with me and would accompany me. I picked up my phone and call  him but he decline it.I sighed. I don't know when he will give me the chance to explain him. 

"Excuse me." I heard a voice and looked up and found a men who wasn't in the good condition.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"Please help me." He said.

"What had happened?" i asked him.

"My brother and I got into the accident. I am saved but my brother is bleeding please help me."He said.

"Where is he?" I asked him.

"Please follow me." He said and I nodded and he started to walk away and soon we were somewhere where people were not there. I was getting suspicious because here literally non of the car was there.

"Are you sure that your brother is here?" I asked him and he looked at me.

"Yeah, he was here only." He said and I mindlessly nodded. There was a narrow path where the car can never go inside it and I turned towards the man and before I could ask something someone hit on my head and I fall on the ground.

"Ahh.." I whimpered. I was clutching on my head which was paining like hell. I looked up with the blurry eyes and looked at the man who was asking for the help from me was smirking in my way. I got it that he was planning something against me and brought me here for something about which I am not aware of. I should be careful in this city because I am new here. I shouldn't trust them easily.

"Now  we could take away the precious person from James." I heard him saying. I think they are some rival of him but why they are after me. they said precious person. Are they talking about me?

"Boss I have to say that James Patrick got a very beautiful chick." Another one said and  I got my answer that they were really talking about me but how they know that I we were together. I don't have time to thinking anything. I felt that someone was picking me up by my arms. The pain wasn't reduced and above all I couldn't see anything properly. At that moment I couldn't think anything. All I wanted at that time was James. But I don't know even if he will be able to find me or not. After few minutes of dragging I was thrown somewhere. I looked up and found that there were eight people who made up a circle around me. They all were smirking.

"there was someone who was following her." one of them said.

"Knock him down." Other said. Someone was following me. Who could that be?

"Should we kill her right away?" Someone asked and I looked at him and glared at him.

"No, let's have some fun before we kill her." The other person said and started to come towards me. I mentally prepared myself what I have to do. As his steps were forwarding towards me. I was becoming more alert. As he had taken his last step, with all my force I pulled him down and he fall down and groaned. Someone came upon and grabbed both of my arms.

"You are savage. I like it." The person said.

"Just leave me alone." i shouted and back kicked on his stomach. He groaned. And another two started grabbed me.

"I don't think that I should waste more time in killing her." The person said and those two who were grabbing me hold me tight and the person whom I kicked take out the knife and started to walk towards me. I was trying hard to get free but they were strong and I was quite weak as well.

"Leave me or else it won't be good for you." I said and he laughed.

"You are funny." He said and was few inches away before he could stab me. I closed my tightly and let him stab me because my tries are fail over here. I can't do anything. I am feeling worst at this time. I am thinking that I am not strong enough to get out of this problem. I am feeling so much weak right now.

I was waiting for the person to stab me but that stab never happened. I opened my eyes to see and found that man on the ground and saw that James was here. I smiled a little. He was here to save me. i was happy that he came. I thought that I will die without seeing him. But maybe God is generous on me that he had sent him to save me. He punched that person and defeated all others and grabbed me in his arms. 

"Hazel." He said softly and I looked at him and gave him a small smile.

"James." I said and smiled more. "I am sorry that I couldn't come and meet you. My father was with me for 24/7 for two days. I love you a lot to lose you. I can't live without you." I said.

"Shh....we will talk about this later." He said and I nodded. I am thankful to God that he had sent him to save me and kept me alive as well. I am happy that I am still alive and have the days to spent with him. I snuggled in his chest and smiled more and thanked God internally. 

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