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Hi kitties


Yesterday was great day for me and I also didn't have any nightmare but from the morning I am not feeling well. Like something bad is going to happen but I am still not aware what bad is going to happen.  I had checked on my dad as well as on Daisy as well but they were all right and I don't know who is  going to be in danger today. Then my eyes widen when I thought about James. Is he alright. I quickly picked up my phone when suddenly my cabin door opened and my dad came inside. I stand up.

"Dad." I said and he smiled in my way.

"Good morning." He said.

"Good morning dad. You are looking so much happy." I said and he nodded.

"I am happy because I am taking a step further in my revenge." He said and it left me confuse.

"Which step dad?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"I don't think that you will be able to hear that so leave it. You have a sensitive heart." He said and that got me confuse.

"Dad what are you saying. I am unable to get it." I said and he smiled. He patted my shoulder lightly.

"All you have to know is that I am plucking my one of the worst thorn from my way." He said and I mindlessly nodded and he smiled and went out from my cabin. He is plucking off his worst thorn from his way. What does that mean? He said and I started to search for a file with the same feeling inside me. Suddenly I come across my secret draw which no one knows and I found a page in it and everything came rushing to me. Dad was planning to kill Angela Miller. He is lucking of Angela Miller from his way. I was shocked to thought about that. I don't know what should I feel that time.

I sat on my chair and put the hand on my temple. I don't know but my heart was beating race on the thought that dad was going to kill her. I don't know what the Millers had do that he is thirsty for their blood. I need too do something. I have to. I called Carmen. He picked up quickly.

"Carmen where is Angela?" I asked him.

"She had just left her house and I am following her." He said.

"Keep doing that. Send me the location of her." I said.

"I am sending it." He said and I hung up. I stand up and went towards Sera's room. I opened the door and found her working.

"Today am I having any meeting?" I asked her and she shook he head and I took a sigh of relief.

"I am not feeling good so I am going back home." I said and she nodded.

"Took a good rest." She said and I nodded and I come outside and went to the parking lot and I grabbed my car and sit inside it and that time only my phone popped up with a new message. I took out my car from there and drive the car towards that location. I don't know what I could do but I have to do something. But her location is far from where I am. It will take a while and my heart isn't in a good condition as well. I fasten up my speed and drive towards that location.

It had been more than 15 minutes and I am still 5 minutes away from her current location and before I could reach there my phone started to ring up. I took the phone in hurried manner.  I saw it was from Carmen and my heart catch up and abnormal speed. I picked up the phone with the shaking hands.

"What happened Carmen?" I asked him.

"You father had sent some man who would kill her. They had attacked her and she also fight with them till she can and after she defeated all she fainted." He said and for a moment I didn't feel that I was also having pulse. Everything around me was like frozen in the air.

" she....ali.....alive." I said in a shaking tone.

"I don't know because before I could go there Mr. Collins had come and took her to the hospital." He said and I took the sigh of relief. There is at least a chance that she is alive.

"You wait for me over there only. I am coming." I said and hung up and after covering the short distance I reached the place. I saw Carmen. I come out from the car and saw the destruction that had happened over there.

"The case is taken by the police?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"Still not. But it feels more like an accident so I don't think that officer will do something in this." He said and I nodded.

"What about those men?" I asked him.

"Everyone is sent to the hospital but one of them had lost his life. He had fallen on the sheet of glass and it had damaged him." He said and I didn't say anything. Till yesterday I was hating her but today i am caring about her. This feeling is very known to me. It was the same feeling which I felt when I was at the edge of losing James but see the God kindness he didn't separate him from me and now he is with me. I don't know what relation I am sharing with her but this feeling is killing me from inside. I can't bear this pain of losing someone. Angela Miller I don't know what relation do we share but I feel that you are someone close to me and I hope to find it soon.

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