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Hi kitties


I was working when someone came in my room. It was my PA.

"You had come a while ago." I said.

"Carmen had sent something for you and had asked you that after you got this call him immediately." She said and put a envelope on the table and went away. I picked up my phone and called him. Carmen is the person whom I had asked to keep an eyes on Miller. It is totally a secret thing. Not even my dad knows about that. I can't explain it why but I wasn't trusting my father after Sera heard about the house destruction. The ring was going and after 4 rings only he picked it up.

"Carmen what is important?" I asked him.

"Your father had destroyed the home of Millers." He said and my eyes widen.

"What are you saying?"I asked him.

"I am saying the truth. I had saw your father man who had come and destroyed the house." He said.

"When this happened?" He asked me.

"Last day only." He said,

"And you are telling me now?' I asked him.

"I had called you yesterday but your phone was off so I couldn't contact you." He said.

"And what you have sent?" I asked him.

"You better look by yourself." He said.

"And where they are now?" I asked him.

"In Collins penthouse." He said.

"Okay. You keep your eyes for few month more and keep me updated. I don't think that dad will tell me something." I said.

"Okay." He said and hung up. From last few months dad doesn't tell me anything but make plans with Amy only. I don't know why but his this act made me feel isolated. I took the letter and tear open the opening. It was wrinkled paper. It was like that someone had crumbled it badly. Carmen had yet smoothed it out for me. I opened the paper.

I know that you are not afraid me but I promise I will make you afraid of me soon. If you can't be break down then I will break your family and you will not be able to think what I can do.

I will not leave a single Miller. Not even that little guy. I will take my revenge and I will kill you too. You just wait and see what I am up to. Mrs. Angela Miller Collins.

Your worst nightmare

And the paper left my hand. Till now I thought that my dad want a revenge only but he is up to killing all of them.

I am feeling helpless along with restless at the same time. There is said a little guy who is he? Carmen can tell me this better. I called him once again.

"You called me that means you have read the paper." He said.

"I had but who is the little guy in this letter?" I asked him.

"He is Angela's son." He said and my eyes widen.

"But she had got married few months back only." I said.

"He is not her real son but the son of her elder sister. After her death she is taking care of her." He said.

"How old he must be?" I asked him.

"Umm....two or three. Yeah that much only." He said and I was shocked to hear that.

"Can you send me a picture of him." I said.

"Sure." He said and there was a silence for few seconds.

"Done. You can check it now." He said and I nodded even though I know that he can't see me.

"Fine. I will call you later." I said and hung up. I opened the message which was sent by Carmen. There were at least 5 photos. In first the small person was alone and in second Angela was with her and in third also. In fourth and fifth photo he was with somebody else maybe his uncle and aunt. He is so much innocent to be get killed. I am really helpless that I can't even help him. In fact I think destroying them is good idea but killed them is not at all good idea. Why should we take their life. I look closely and found something familiar in him. But I wasn't able to think about the person with whom he had the similarity.

My focus on work had came down as an ash. I don't know what is going in my life lately. I am getting shock after shock. I never thought that my father can think killing someone. I had never thought about that. But what will he gain after he will kill the Millers. I looked at the photo of that little guy and Angela. They were looking like real mother and son. The kid was showing the teeth and Angels was looking so happy by seeing him. I don't know how can I change my dad mind. Because killing someone is nothing less than deserving the hell and killing the kid is worst than getting the hell.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and  I quickly hide the letter in my last drawer.

"Come in." I said and found dad coming inside my room.

"Dad you could have come without knocking as well." I said and smiled. If he wouldn't knock then it would have made a big fuss.

"I could but I didn't felt that." He said and I nodded.

"You are here. You could have called me." I said.

"I heard that you got a letter." He said and I was shocked to here that.

"Yeah." I said.

"What it was about?" He asked. I was trying to form the words but my mind was totally blank.

"It was just a random letter that I got from bank." I lied.and he nodded.

"Hmm....I will talk to you later." He said and I nodded and he went out and I took a sigh of relief. I have to hide this letter somewhere else. i think that dad is having doubt on me. I took the letter and tried to think what should I do about that. I put the bank letter in the envelope which I had got two days ago only . I put it in the same drawer in which i had put the letter. I think I know where I could hide it. I quickly put the letter there only. Because this place no one know that. Then my phone buzzed up and it was message from James.

Let's go on a date today. I will pick you up.

His simple things and simple words always make my day

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