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Hi kitties


We were in jet. I have to admit that this jet was quite large and more luxurious than our one. James was sitting on other seat and I was sitting on other side. We both were the only one in the whole jet. I get up and went towards him and sat in front of him. I can't sit alone. He looked at me but then looked away. What is on his mind?

The air hostess had already announced that the jet was going to take off and we have to put on our seat belt and I did what they said. In few seconds only we were in the sky. I looked outside. It's been time when I had also sat in the plane. Maybe six years ago. Lately I was helping father and couldn't bring myself to go on vacation. In last six years only dad and Daisy had gone on visited and in their absence I had taken care of the company.

I looked over James who was still looking outside.  I could bet on it that something is bothering him. But what it could be?

"Something is bothering you?" I asked him. Though I don't show interest in talking any kind of guy but now you can see I am talking to Mr. Hell annoying.

"Nothing." He said calmly but didn't looked at me. Now I am thousand per cent sure that something is bothering him. I don't think that he even want to talk about it and I can't force him as well. I picked up my phone and gone through the gallery in which there were many pictures of me and my little family. I started to scroll down when I stopped over my enemy photos. It was of Millers as well as Collins. I have the picture of both Angela and Steven.

Sometime I think why Angela had married a person who doesn't love her and is arrogant. I did study a bit about him. But that is private. Sometime I also feel that by helping father I am doing a big mistake. I looked over Angela who was smiling towards me. I had never been seen her from close but had seen her from afar. She really looks beautiful in real life. She is the person who doesn't need protection but can protect her love ones. She is really strong.  I envy her luck that she had got such a nice family even though her parents and uncle and aunt are no more.

I am doing right by helping my father? She had already suffered a lot. Without parents it is very hard for kids to survive. I haven't felt but I think that I am started to feel that. Absence of parents in life. I should stop making her life hell. But can I disobey my own father? I guess no. I looked over her picture and her eyes were making me feel comfortable. I don't know why I am feeling like this but my heart is saying that I am doing wrong. I kept my phone back as I don't want to think about this more. I know about myself that if I start to think once then I will lost in it for more than an hour.

I looked over James who haven't left the window and I looked outside only to find the clouds which were looking like cotton candy. From this I remember that in childhood I had wish and that was to sleep over this soft and comfortable clouds. I know it is childish but I was also kid back then. I shook my head and decided to sleep.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but sleep was from me. I opened my eyes and looked around to find something so that I can pass my time but my work went in vain.

"You can go into the room. It is in the end. You can find something for yourself." I heard James. He wasn't looking at me but than also he knew what I wanted. I smiled a little.

"Thanks." I said and get up and went to the room in the end of the jet. I opened send my eyes went open wide.  It was really good. The walls were having the paints which can make any person comfortable. A smiled appeared on my face and I settle myself and I sat over the bed and felt the softness of the mattress. I laid over the bed and was feeling very relaxed. And before I could know that I was out into my dreams.

I opened my eyes and found myself in unfamiliar room. Then everything rushed and founded that I was in jet. I looked for my phone and saw the time. I was sleeping for two hours. I was feeling relaxed. I looked around and I was startled a little. I saw James was sitting over the couch and was looking over me only.

"Good morning." He said and I was confused.

"We are going to land in Paris in few minutes. Come out we have to put on our seat belt." He said. After he was zone out. This is the first time he said these words.

"Hurry up." He said.

"Yeah, I am coming. " I said and walked behind him and settle myself and put the seat belt on and was waiting for the jet to land. Our time zone one hour difference and it was already night.

The jet started to land on the earth and I was very much exicted for this trip. Finally my one dream is coming true. I can now have fun. Fun is beings now. I said to myself. We came out of the jet and a car was waiting for us outside the airport. We reached an expensive hotel. It's name is Hotel Le Royal Monceau. The booking of the room for one week was already done.

"Go to you room and have rest. We can start put vacation from tomorrow." He said and I nodded. He handed me the keys and we went towards our room. When I opened the the door of my room. I was surprised and was in awe when I see my room. I quickly freshen up and went to my bed which was cozy. My my sleep was far and on my mind only James was present.

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