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Hi kitties


I woke up from my sleep but found that it was hard for me to sit up. I felt someone hand around me and I knew whose hand it must. I turned back and looked at him. He was looking so much handsome in his sleep. I looked at the ring which he wore on his pinky finger. I had made him wore on it. I had found this ring the day before yesterday. It caught my eyes and I wanted it to be on his hand and it is. I don't know if I will be ever get proposed by him but let's pray for the better future.

I caressed his hair which were falling in front of his eyes. He was looking so much handsome that I wanted to steal a kiss from him and without any more thinking I capture his lips and gave him a peck then something hit me. Today I haven't got any nightmare which I was expecting. Because form last few days those dreams had become regular and I always end up having pain in my head. I will talk with Albert about that and will fix another meeting with him but in England. I get away from his grip somehow and planted another kiss on his forehead. I quickly took a shower and wore his clothes as I didn't have my clothes over here.

I went downstairs and found the housekeeper working in the kitchen.  I never entered into the kitchen so I don't have any experience about that. But in the field of fighting I am superb someday I will show you how I fight.  It was already 9 in the morning. I was wondering something. I picked up my phone and searched the name Angela Miller. Her five years old photos were present. According to many people after her parents accident they all disappeared somewhere. Though I know very well where they are right now. But why I am finding her five year old self so much familiar.

I closed my eyes and tried to remember why she looks familiar. I instantly opened my eyes. She is the same girl who was with Skylar. Skylar Hemsworth. Suddenly my brain started to pain and I fall on the ground on my knees.

"Ms. What happened to you?" The housekeeper asked me.

"Please give me some water." I said and she nodded and ran in the kitchen and brought the water for me and after drinking it I calmed down.

"I will come in a while." I said and ran outside the house. I was already having my phone so I called Albert right away. I think something is not good over here. There is something which I don't remember and my memory remember. I think after I will consult with Albert I will take the next step and that would be finding the truth about the secrets that have been hidden from me. He picked it up after few rings.

"You called me in early the morning." He said.

"I think we have to meet again." I said.

"Umm...I am in London now." He said.

"No problem with me. I am coming England tomorrow only. So can we meet on Monday?" I asked him.

"We can't meet on Monday. I already have few appointments. We can meet one Wednesday." He said and I thought for a while.

"Fine with me." I said.

"Okay then we will meet on Wednesday." He said and hung up and I sat on the grass and looked around. It's calm over here and sky is bright with sunshine but then why my heart is feeling that I am in darkness. I am in the darkness of many secrets which haven't came in front of me. I don't know how many people are lying to me and who are saying the truth. I don't know but I am started to doubt myself only. I am feeling like that I am not the person whom I was supposed to be but I am totally a different person.

Many times I had nightmares where I have the worst ending that no one could think about. Many times I thought if I will have those ending or I will have a natural death like I wanted. Those dreams which always hunt me like they are trying to put some pressure on my brain. I am feeling suffocated all of the sudden. It is like that all the oxygen around me had vanished away.

I was supposed to be enjoying all this but here I am thinking about my suffocation which is eating me alive. I don't know what should I do right now. This brain paining is nothing less than a torture which I always feel. To be exact then a never ending torture which can even take my life away. I didn't realize that by now my tears started to stream down my eyes. I don't know anything why I am thinking like this? Why I am feeling so much painful all of the sudden? Why I am feeling suffocated? Why I started to cry? Questions are many but answer are none. I sighed and wiped my tears but they were like that they doesn't wanted to be stopped right now.

"Hazel." I heard James voice and tried too wipe up my tears but I was miserably failed.

"What happened?" He asked but I didn't dare to look at him because my tears weren't stopping flowing and he bent down and looked at me and was shocked.

"Why are you crying?" He asked and started to wipe my tears and I quickily hugged him and sobbed on his chest.

"What happened Hazel? Why are you crying?" He asked.

"I don't know why I am crying but all I could tell you right now is that I am feeling suffocated right now." I said and cried on his chest while clutching over his shirt

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