something else

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Hi kitties


Morning had already came up and I was still in my bed like a mess. I freshen up and got ready to look better. I still can't  believe that I was in Paris. I heard a knock over my door and I went to open it and found James who was looking handsome in his casual.

I don't know why but lately I am finding him handsome very much.

"Done drooling over me?" He asked me that snapped me put of from my dream land.

"I wasn't drooling over you." I said and he nodded.

"Now shall we go. We have lunch to do and have to visit places too." He said and I nodded. I take my bag in which my phone was present and some cash and a lip balm. Nothing much. He was still waiting on the door. I locked my room and put it in the bag. We go into the dining area and found the seat for us too. We ordered the food.

"So why you planned to come over here suddenly? " I asked him. I am curious to know why he suddenly call the Paris trip.

"I was just tired and wanted to have at least one week vacation. And you too helped me a lot so it is a gift for you from me." He said and I smiled. I loved his sweet yet simple answer. I think he is not that bad like I have taught.

"Thanks for the gift because of you I have been able to come to Paris." I said and he looked at me confused.

"What?" I asked.

"Haven't you come Paris before?" He asked.

"No, actually I got many opportunities to come over here but my plan always got ruined because of some works. Otherwise I did travel few of the countries." I said.

"What about your father?" He asked.

"My father and sister had travelled a lot." I said and he nodded.

"This is very strange that you were left behind but your sister and father had travelled a lot. Who does leave their daughter just because she has works? They could also cancel it." He said but I find it odd. I know my father loves Daisy a lot and sometime I envy that dad loves her a lot but he says that he also loves me but sometime it is Aird to believe that.

"I don't find it strange." I said and started to drink the water

"Are you sure that you are Mr. Windsor daughter?" He asked and I choked over my water.

"What kind of question is that?" I asked him.

"I am sorry if it hurted you but understand that this strange as well asked weird. Don't you think so?" He asked.

"I had already told you that it is neither strange nor weird." I said and he nodded.

"For me it is weird. And I will make you realise that soon." He said and I looked at him like he has gone insane but he laughed at it.

"Don't worry soon you will get all the thing you deserve." He said and I don't know what does he mean.  Our food had arrived and we started to eat and I looked at James through my eyes lashes and saw that he was eating in a very mannered way and when I saw myself, I was eating like an hungry animal but after seeing that I started to eat like a human being.

"Are you done?" He asked and I saw that his food is finished.

"Yeah." I said and he nodded and we come out from there and started to tour around.

"Would you like to go in the car or will walk?" He asked.

"Do you brought your car over here also?" I asked him and he grinned.

"No, After all I have my company foundation here also and I have a house so yeah I have a car also." He said and I nodded. No doubt his empire is big.

"It is big." He said and I looked confused.

"You said that aloud." He said and I nodded.

"I will like to walk only." I said.

"Good choice, it is great weather and walling around will be nice." He said and we started to walk.

"OH my God. " I said to myself. I had forget to bring my camera.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I have forgotten to bring my camera." I said and he shook my head.

"No problem. I have brought it. Here you go." He said and given me a lastest camera.

"Wow nice camera." I said and he nodded.

"My cousin sister brought this for me." He said and I nodded.

"Her choice is great." I said looking at camera.

"No doubt." He said and I started to click the pictures. I will print this pictures out and will make my travel book as a memory about when I first visited that place.

"I don't think that I will be able to get bore of this beauty." I said and was clicking the picture.

"Indeed." He said, but I was he said it with double meaning. 

"Hey wait up." He said and capture my hand. I felt something weird.

"You are running fast. Don't get lost." He said. I make my hands free.

"I not a kid. I am a grown up women." I said and he mumbled something which I couldn't catch. We were in front of Notre-Dame. 

"Will you click my pictures?" I asked James who shook his head before nodding. He took the camera and taken his position. I started to pose.

"Let me see it." I said and he given me the camera. The pictures were beautiful.

"Let's take picture together." I said and was shocked at my own words. He smiled and nodded and give someone the camera and started to pose. He grabbed my waist and electricity ran through my spine.  His touches were making unique rythme in my heart. He was so much close to me. We were just few inches apart from each other. I don't know why but my eyes went on his lips. Before air could imagine further that person spoke.

"Done." He said and handed camera to James. He looked at the picture and smiled.

"We are looking like a couple who are so much in love." He said and I looked at picture and indeed his words were correct but I was thinking something else in my mind.

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