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Hi kitties


I am happy that I had finally confessed my feeling to her and I think she still needs time to find out her feeling for me.  But she is comfortable with me or else she would have slapped me and never ever looked at me back as well.

I sighed.  Maybe I have done this fast when I might can get slow.  Well whatever have to happen it is already happened. I called up Morgan whom I had sent in place of Hazel.

"Hello Morgan?" I asked..

"Yes sir." He said.

" The work of Mr.  Windsor is done for which I have sent you." I asked him.

"Sir there wasn't a work.  He gave me few work and said these were the only work." He said and I got suspicious. That day Mr. Windsor was talking like there is so many works to do but when he went there wasn't any work strange.

"Okay. I will call you later." I said and hung up.  I went towards Hazel's room and knocked on it.  She opened the door and I saw she was in shirt and shorts. She was like looking breath taking.  But I controlled myself and focused on my work

"What are you doing here? " She asked me and I looked at her.

"Just have came to meet you." I said and she nodded. She get aside and let me come inside. 

"Are we going somewhere today?"  She asked.

"No as we had already traveled a lot last day and we are still having two days, we can travel in those two days." I said and she nodded

"I am also tried but excited at the same time.  I can never forget this journey of mine." she said and I smiled. I guess she is very happy by coming over here.

"I wanted to say something to you." She said.

"What?"I asked her

"Thank you" She said and I smiled

"For what?"  I asked her

"For sending your man instead of me.  I don't know how much work would be there but I think there would be pile of works for me." She said and I didn't say anything. 

If she had went back then her father would give her pile of works but when Morgan went there he said there was not much work.  I think something is hidden between this two things which neither Hazel nor anyone else know but Mr.  Windsor. 

"No problem. You deserved the holidays." I said and smiled and she smiled back. Suddenly my phone started to ring and I take it out and saw that it was from Luna. She is my cousin sister as well as the older child in my clan. I picked it up.

"Yeah Luna." I said.

"How are you Jamey?" She asked and I was frustrated with that name Jamey. 

"Don't call me with that name." I said and she chuckled.

"I will. By the way I haven't called you to irritate you but to tell you something." She said.

"What is that? "I asked her.

"I am finally getting married." She said and a smile spread on my face.

"That is great. When is it? I will come and meet you." I said.

" It is not in this year but next. In the end of the January. I am coming London for one month next week.  We will hang out a lot." She said.

"I don't mind.  You can come and we surely will hang out and don't bring your troublemaker self." I said and she chuckled.

"I can't promise it. I will talk later. Jamey." She said and I sighed.  She hung up.  I smiled and looked at Hazel who was glaring at me and my smile disappeared.

"what happened to you? " I asked her.

"Nothing." She said. I don't know what have I done that she became angry with me.

"Something is done with you.  You weren't like that before I talked to Luna." I said and suddenly something hit me. I smirked.  " I got it what had happened to you.  You ate jealous." I said and she looked away

"Why I would be jealous?" She said but didn't look at me. I chuckled and she looked at me with disbelief. I stopped laughing.

"There is nothing to be jealous love.  She is my cousin sister.  She was telling me that she is getting married and coming over here to meet me." I said and I saw that her face left all colours. I chuckled. Indeed she was jealous. I guess this is a good sign.

"I had said that I wasn't jealous.  I don't care with whosoever you talk to. " She said and stand up and started to went away and I also followed her and saw that she grabbed her iPad and started to do something.  I saw that she was reading a book.

"You read book also?" I asked her.

"what wrong in that? I can read the book because I am literate." She said me and I chuckled.

"I didn't mean to say that but I thought you were workacholic businesswomen but I didn't know that you have to Hobby to read book." I said and she glared at me.  She switched off the iPad and smirked and stand up. I don't know why but her smirk wasn't giving me a bad vibe or I should said that evil vibe. She came towards me and stand in front of me and put her both the hands around my neck and I was keep looking at her in hope to get the knowledge what she is trying to do. 

She came closer to my face and we were just a inch apart from each other but she smirked more and went towards my ear.

" Mr.  James Patrick you don't know many things about me.  Just stay with me for rest of the life and you will get to know many things about me automatically." She said and kissed my cheek and I was in daze when she said those words.

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