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Hi kitties


I had reached my office and I was deciding that in lunch time I will meet him till than I will work and will complete my work which i needed to do today.

"Hazel." I heard Daisy voice and I looked behind.

"What happened Daisy?" I asked her and she smiled.

"Nothing just wanted to see you." She said and I nodded.

"Okay. I am going to my cabin as I have some works that I want to be done soon." I said and she nodded. I went towards my cabin and settle down and started to work.  i wanted to work but my mind was keep on diverting over James. It is like that if he wouldn't be near me than I won't be able to work. there was a knock on the door.

"Come in.' I said and soon I saw my PA coming inside.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Your father is calling you." She said and I nodded. I stand up and went towards his room and knocked on it and when i heard come in, I entered.

"Dad you called me?"I asked and he nodded.

"Settle down." He said and I nodded. I settle myself down.

"Why you called my dad?" I asked him and he smiled before he handed me the file. I was confused but he gestured me to open the file. I was shocked to see the documents.

"Congratulations." He said and I smiled.

"The deal from yesterday had finalized. You can work over it from today or tomorrow only." He said and I nodded.

"But dad I am already handling two projects which have to be end by the end of the two months." I said and he nodded.

"i will ask somebody else to handle it but I want you to focus over this project more. It should be done by three months." He said and I nodded.

"I will work hard." i said and he nodded.

"You may leave now." He said and I stand up and went towards my cabin. I was very happy that i finally got this project. This project can help our company in many ways. I come back in my cabin and settle myself down and I closed my eyes for few minutes.

"Blake what are you doing?" A lady asked her husband.

"I am teaching my daughter" He said.

"Don't you think that she is little for that knowledge?" The lady asked.

"I don't think so. My daughter is smart. You will see when she will grow up she will make me proud and would handle my works as well." He said and the lady chuckled. The man lifted the small girl who was around four to five. He started to tickle her and the little girl started to giggle a lot.

I opened my eyes. I have been dreaming about unknown people a lot lately. I don't know who that little girl is but she was somewhat familiar to me . The two people whom I assume are her parents. Never saw them and yet they come in my dreams. I have been dreaming about different secrecy. Though I don't know how I am connected yet but I think there is something which is trying to show here. Many time I had tried to connect them but I miserably failed in that. I sighed. I shouldn't stress my brain as sometime when I try to connect them my brain sends me a sharp shock inside my brain. From that time I have give up over it.

I had researched over it and got to know that sometime we have some past memories which we might don't remember but is store in our brain and sometime those memories only take the form of the dream and come inside our mind. Though I don't know how much it is true. But can it be possible that there is something which I don't remember? Can it be possible that what I am thinking is real is not really real? Can it be possible that I really share some connections with them but I don't remember it. I am totally confuse. I felt pain in my brain.

"Hazel don't stress it." I said to myself. I should concentrate over my work maybe I am overthinking. If there is something then in future I will get to know it. I started to work on my newly assigned project. I will work hard and will make my father proud on me. I smiled on my thought and started to work and suddenly my phone started to ring. It was from James. I smiled and swipe the phone to green.

"hello is this Mr. James Patrick relative?" Some unknown voice asked and suddenly my heart got filled with nervousness.

"yes, I am his girlfriend." I said.

"Is his parents here?" He asked.

"No, they are in USA." I said and he sighed.

"Could you please come to the hospital?" He asked and my heart beat started to race fast.

"What happened to him?" I asked him.

"James had met an car accident few minutes ago." He said and it wad like that everything around me had stopped and all I could feel was sadness. I was scared at the same time.

"Hello Ms. are you there?" he asked.

"yeah I am. Please send me the address I am coming." I said and he hung up and soon the message pop up. I didn't thought for dew seconds more, I grabbed my phone and dashed out from the cabin. I looked for my PA and when I found her. i went towards her and made her aware of my departure. She said that she will handle it and I dashed out from the office and took my car and went to the hospital. In my way I was only hoping that he is safe and nothing will happen to him. He will stay by my side as he said for forever.

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