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Hi kitties


"Damn it. There is still correction to he done in this project." I said and sighed. My work load is quite less now but I am still unable to complete my work.  Mr. Wright project is our first priority along with the others.  I heard the knock.

"Come in." I said and I saw Sera coming inside. 

"Good morning Hazel." She said and I nodded

"What bring you over here?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"This file is to he signed by Mr.  Windsor. But firstly you go through it." She said and I nodded.

"Do one thing. You go to you cabin and I will make this file signed by dad." I said and she nodded.

"No problem with me." She said. But she didn't even moved.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"How is your therapy going on?" She asked me and I sighed.  I put my entwined hands under my chin and looked at her.

"Last week I had gone and my nightmares too had get reduced but I am still having the pain.  It doesn't get reduced by any minute." I said and she nodded.

"I hope you get well soon." She said and I nodded.

"Then I will leave you. I think you should take few days off and take a good rest." She said and I shook my head.

"I can't you know that right now the company is at that point where we need to work hard." I said and she didn't said anything.

"Is that important than your health as well." I heard a familiar voice and I looked up and found James on the door and he was having cold eyes. I think he is very furious. I gulped down.

"You can go now. I have to talk something with Hazel." He said in firm voice and Sera nodded her head and gave me pity eyes which I returned with a glare. She opened the door and went away more like she ran away and I sighed. She had left me with the furious James which I don't like at all. This side if him is so much dangerous than any other person.  He came and sat in front of me and we both didn't said anything.

"So from how long you have been having the nightmares?" He asked me and I was shocked.

"Were you eavesdropping?" I asked him and he glared at me.

"That is not the answer of my question."

"From last 5 to 6 months and that too continues." I said and sighed.

"And what was the pain you were talking about?" He asked and I looked outside. I never wanted to tell him because I knew that he will be furious and I have to answer him and above all he would be worrying about me so I didn't felt that I should tell him.

"Look at me Hazel Windsor." He said and I looked at him. His grey eyes were having cold contempt and I gulped. He is really scary.

"Answer me. I won't leave this place until you tell me what is going on with you." He said and I sighed.

"Then listen. The dreams which I have been having first started when I reached my teenage after completing my teen life this dreams become more frequent and from last few months they almost came everyday. Whenever I dreamt about that dream my brain always has the sharp pain which at least stays few seconds. And now even I closed my eyes occur and left me with the sharp pain and that is why I had started to go to the psychiatrist and he is Sera's brother." I said and he sighed.

"And you didn't felt that you should tell me. That day also you were feeling pain when we were in my parents house?" He asked and I didn't said anything but nodded and he sighed.

"Why didn't you told me before?" He asked me.

"Because I taught that you will be worried about me more and I don't want it when you were had just met an accident." I said.

"Nothing is more important than you in my life." He said and I sighed.

"I am sorry about that." I said .

"I know that you don't want me to be worry about you but now I am hell worried about you. Do this have any cure?" He asked me and I nodded.

"What is it?" He asked me and I looked at him with the wide smile and he was confused.

"You." I said and pointed in his direction.

"How could I be your cure?" He asked me.

"When I spend my time with you. That day I never ever get those dreams and Albert had said that it could be possible that you are someone from my dream though I had seen a seven year old boy whose name was James only." I said and he looked at me confused.

"Well I will talk about this later. I have to get this file signed by my father." I said and get up from my seat and took the file and went towards my father room. I knocked on the door

"Come in." Dad said and I entered into the room when I saw that dad had a visitor. Maybe I had came at wrong time.

"Hazel what are you doing over here?" Dad asked me but I could feel that he was furious and about what I don't know.

"Dad these file need to be signed by you." I said while placing the file in front of him.He looked at it and looked at me

"I will sign it you can leave now." He said and I nodded.  My eyes fall on the lady and I recognized her instantly. She is Angela Miller but my heart was feeling joy when I saw her. I don't know why but my heart was beating abnormal and she was looking at me as well. Like we both were trying to recognize each other. But I didn't waste much time and come outside. She was very very familiar to me

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