let you go

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I had tried to contact Luna but she didn't picked the phone up and my dad wasn't leaving me Hi kitties

No one's Pov

He was pacing back and forth inside his own room. He couldn't understand anything at that time. He was very confused about who could be that person who had tried to kill the Patrick heir. He was not worried for the heir but was having the fear that there was someone who is in this competition.

He knew that someone had tried to kill him because he had also done the same many years ago and there is the mark which always reminds him of his deed on which he felt too much proud. His only purpose is to destroy the people who were the big obstacle in his way to success. He has to success anyhow and had to set up his empire over England.

"Sir we got the footage where Mr. Patrick got into the accident." His one if the men said and he smirked.

"Let's see it."He said and the man nodded and brought the laptop in which the video was present. The man  opened the video and he could see that car of James. After whatever happened he got it that this was a plan only to kill him. But the question was who can do it when he didn't do anything. 

"Sir, I think except us they have another rival who wants to kill them." The man said.

"That is the only chance. But we have to stop that person because the Patricks are our prey and it is us only who will defeat him no one else." He said in cold voice and the person nodded.

"We will try to find him out soon." He said.

"No need.Xavier Patrick will handle this. He won't leave the person who had dared to hurt his precious son." He said and the man nodded.

"As you say sir."The man said.

"Hmm...check the flight in which Hazel is going to USA." He said.

"She is going in private jet." The man said and he nodded.

"I think right now it is good that she is going in the private jet." He said and the man nodded.

"She will be leaving by tomorrow." The man said.

"You can go now." He said and the man nodded and left the room.

"Right now I want Hazel to be away from all the mess. After all she is great pawn in my game." He said and smirked. Deep down he misses her daughter whose name was Hazel and was almost having the same age of the girl whom he had taken care of from past years. He has been using her for her revenge and had the plan to kill her but as much as he would like to do he know that he can't kill her in front of her eyes. She is someone who had made a little spot in his heart but he has to be careful cause he can't grow any kind of feeling regarding his target.


I had tried to contact Luna but she didn't picked the phone up and my dad wasn't leaving me alone that I can go to hospital as well but i am also wondering who can try to kill him. But it can be normal accident as well but I don't know but my heart is saying that my dad is right in this.

"Hazel come downstairs you have to go USA as well in few hours." I heard my dad voice.

"I am coming." I said and started hurriedly to pack my bags. I am going. USA today and I also got appointment from Sera's brother and that is on other Tuesday. Though I wanted to meet James before I go away but I think it is impossible for me. I picked up the phone and searched for James number. I dialed his number and put the phone on my ear. The ring was going but no one was picking up the phone. I sighed. Is he angry with me that he don't want to pick up my phone. I haven't heard his voice in these three days.

"Hazel can you tell me what are you doing?" I heard dad voice and I looked at him.

"I am done dad. I was just checking the things." I said and he nodded. I zipped the bad and take it out from the house. I saw the car and sat inside it. The driver had pulled in the luggage and then he sat in front. I looked at my dad and waved him goodbye. He also waved back with a sad smile. I kept looking back till dad disappeared from my eyes. I sighed and opened the Instagram of James on which no new post were there. I was going through his posts. I smiled when I saw his smiling post. But the difference is that he is not with me today. I don't know how he is and I think he is awake by now. I again tried to call him but no response. I was on the edge of limit. I looked outside and tears started to fall from my eyes.

Today I don't know but I am feeling that i am all alone right now and right now I don't have anyone with whom I can talk with. It hurts when the person whom you love ignore you. I think after I will come back from USA. I will go and meet him. If he will be angry with me, I will try to make him forgive me. I just want him, his safety and love. I wipe the tears which were still threatening to come out but I was also stubborn. I will meet you again and will make it up this time. I won't let you go that easily.

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