who am I

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Hi kitties.


It's  been a week that Mr. Hell annoying is always come around and do irritate. Sometime je just talk in a cold voice. What is wrong with him? I don't find, what is his problem? I sighed.

"Please make it sign by Mr. Patrick." I said to my  PA. And she shook her head.

"Why?" I asked her.

"Last time when you send me. His burst I have to suffer.  He scolded me badly and said that he doesn't want to see anyone but you. He wants you to do every work of his." She said and my anger boiled. What does he think of himself? He is neither God nor I am his slave.  then also I stand up and walk towards his room. He just has made his office over here only. He do have a office over here. But he comes every one hour over here to discuss and work on the project. I walk towards his cabin. I knock on the door and heard come in. I twist the door and enter in the room.

"Mr. Patrick. I request to not to sacre away my employee like that. And by the way I am not at all your servent or PA. Who will roam behind you like a lost puppy. I hope you understand my consideration and you will think about it. Till then don't. Dare . To. Call. Me" I said and put the files on the desk. I looked up and find his cold eyes glaring into me. I smirked.

"By the way this files are to be signed by you." I said and walked out with my head up. This irritating man is more annoying than the things which I hate the most. Uhh.... what is he made up of rock. No, this is too much small to define. Maybe steel or lava. Cause he can literally set anybody on fire. By the way why should I concern about him.

After taking out that thought I walked to my cabin and started to do the work which I had left.  But after around 30 minutes later I was called in dad cabin. I was confused why he is calling me.  I then also stand up and went into his room. I knock on the cabin door and when I heard come in I go inside. In office my dad prefer to be professional. It is not like he doesn't love me but he want everything to perfect. I was shocked to find Mr. Hell annoying aka Mr. James Patrick. He was having a smirk over his face. Now I can tell that this person had done something already.

"Dad you called me?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Yes. I wanted to tell you that from now on you will be working under Mr. Patrick." I was shocked and glared at Mr. Patrick whose smirk just went wide.  I sighed.

"Yes father." I said and he nodded. I was huffing from inside and was fuming as well. So by the help of my father  he already made me his slave. Urrghhh.... what I have ever done to him that he is upto taking revenge on me every now and then.

"Mr. Patrick I am hope you have no further arguments." My dad said to the Mr.  Patrick.

"No I don't have. Thank so much Mr. Windsor." James said and father nodded.

"Mr. Partick. I would like to talk with my daughter for few moments. Please can you leave the cabin?" My dad asked and James nodded. And went out from the cabin.

"Hazel, do take the seat." Dad said and I don't want to take the seat but wanted to crush it down on James so badly. I sat down on the chair.

"I know you don't like that I assign you under James. But it is about for few months only. If this deal finalise then will be counted in top Billionaire as well." He said and I got his point. He wanted to take this company above and I know that this is dad biggest dream that he ever had. I sighed.

"By the way got a information that Nicole is gone for a shopping with her sister in law. I would like to see hell happening with her today. Any suggestions regarding making her day hell?" He asked and I was thinking about it. And I got a perfect one.

"Let's send Sean and his team to them. Just to have a fun with them. It will be good if we create the terror inside her then breaking her down would be easy and slowly as well as painfully." I said and dad smirked.

"Hmm... great idea.  I am also want her to die painfully after all her father had caused some much problem in our life. " He said and I nodded.

"Maybe I go now?" I asked him and he nodded and I stand up from my seat and went towards my cabin.

I don't know why but lately whenever I think about this Nicole Miller it always make me feel that I am somehow related to her and we have a strong bond. Sometime where ever I closed my eyes then a blurry scene of a birthday party or some time two girls having fun is all I could see. And this is not just the case with Nicole but James too. I don't know but he is also familier to me. It is like I am brainwashed by all the dirty things like killing. It like I am slowly slowly losing my identity. I am way too much confused about myself.  I am Hazel or not. This is the world where I belong or not. I don't have any answer but many questions. I am literally want to know who am I?

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