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Hi kitties


I reached at the address which was given to me. I went towards reception and inquired to the reception.

"Do you know in which room Mr. James Patrick is? " I asked her

"He is in room. 2063. It is on second floor." She said and I nodded.

I paced up my speed and went towards the lift and it was maybe on some other floor. I was anxious to meet him now.I was praying inside my mind that he will be fine. It is not the time when he should go away from me. He still has years to spend with me. He won't leave me right? I asked myself and nodded.He has life which he has to spent with me.

I reached the second floor and started to went towards the operation theatre.I was near and that is when my eyes diverted to the waiting chair where I saw that same girl who was with him at the restaurant.I wanted to be angry on this lady but right now my mind was filled with James only. I was continuously praying inside my mind.  I looked over  that lady who was looking at me and she smiled and I was confused about why she was smiling in my way and she stand up and come towards me and I was confused why she was coming towards me. 

"I was waiting for you only." She said and I was confused. she is literally making me confuse again and again.

"Why were  you waiting for me?" I asked and she smiled.

"because James loves you and I think he will be needing you more than me. I am his sister Luna Patrick." She said and I was frozen over there only. I was really shocked to hear that. I was ashamed that i had thought her as any other women.I sighed. I should not suspicious him, he will be only mine. But how he got into the accident.

"How this happened to him?"I asked her and she put her hand on my shoulder and smiled sadly.

"i don't now but the accident was quite fatal and the treatment is going on.I hope he will be alright."She said and I shook my head.

"He has to be fine.After all I won't let him go away from me that easily." I said and she chuckled a little.

"Yes he has to be fine after all his Hazel is waiting for him."She said and I nodded. We both settle down on the waiting chair with my hand entwined with each other and was praying inside for his wellness. 

God please make him well.I can't imagine my life without him.He was the one who had introduced this love to me and if he wouldn't be there then I don't think that I would be able to take this if he leaves me. I want him by my side till we grow old.I want him to lead me in the life.I want him to stay over here. please God don't take him away from me. 

I was saying these words.i had never felt this much worst in my whole life. I am really afraid if to lose him. I had never been this much scared. I was literally praying for  his life. I know that I had already fallen for him hard and I am very scared to let him go this easily.

"Everything will be alright." Luna said and I nodded. She patted my back and I was looking at the bulb which was still on. I wanted to see him but I am unable to see him. I sighed. i should stay strong for him. I should. I saw the bulb went down and the doctor come outside.

"Someone from Mr. James Patrick family?" The doctor asked and we both stand up

"How is he doctor?"Luna asked. I wasn't also able to form the words.

"He is alright. Thank to God that he saved him even in this fatal accident. Right now he is sleeping." Doctor said.

"Can we see him?" She asked.

"Yeah but after we shift him in the another ward." He said and Luna nodded and after that doctor went away. My legs were like jelly. I wasn't able to stand. I fall back on the chair and let tears of happiness flow from my eyes.

My prayer had worked. He is alive and we us. He will be with me now. I couldn't describe how I am feeling right now. It is like the black stormy cloud had passed away and brought the beautiful white cloud with full of hope.

"Are you okay Hazel?" I heard Luna voice and I looked at her and she was also having tears in her eyes.

"I am okay." I said and she hugged me at once. I felt relived in this. I think this is what I need right now.

"I will come back in few minutes." She said and I nodded. She went away and I saw the door opened and I saw that some ward boys come out with James. They didn't stopped but take him in the another ward. I stand up and followed them and reached the room. After they done their work. They started to come outside. I stopped one of the ward boy.

"What happened miss?" He asked.

"Can I see him?" I asked him and he looked back and nodded and I smiled at him. He went away and I come inside. When I saw his face I was frozen on my place only. His head was having the bandage and bruises. With so much courage I went towards him and saw and I couldn't help but burst into tear. I had almost lost him today. I don't know what i would do if something would have happened to him. That thought also send shiver in my spine. I placed my hand on his hair and lightly caresses it.

"James, I don't know how to say but i am happy that you are alive. I am really sorry that i was angry on you. But I swear that there wasn't a single day when i haven't thought about you. I didn't thought that i will meet you like this. you know that you can't get rid of me that easily. You have to spend your life till we grow old. I had fallen for you hard. I love you James Patrick. I love you a lot." I said and was still caressing his hair.

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