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Hi kitties


Daisy is meeting Steve Collins but why. How does she know him? He is our rival but she doesn't know that he is our rival. But what could be the reason that she is meeting with him and is always excited to meet him.

"Daddy daddy Hazel Hazel." I heard Daisy voice. By her voice it is like she is very excited bit about what? I can get my answer when I will go down. I went down and saw that dad was also there.

"What happened princess?" Dad asked Daisy. She came forwards and hugged dad tightly.

"Daddy I am very very happy." Daisy said and I was confused about what sh was very happy. Has she found her prince charming?

"Why baby?" Dad asked her. I wasn't saying anything but was observing and trying to understand the situation.

"Dad I want to marry." She said and both my and dad eyes went wide. What is she saying? She is still not that much old that she get married now. But why she wants to get married?

"What?" Dad asked quickly as the words left from Daisy's mouth.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her.

"I want to marry." She again said happily. She is feeling very good about that but she doesn't know that it is a great tension for us.

"Do you love someone baby?" Dad asked her directly. And she nodded shyly

"Who is he?" Dad asked her and it was also curious who is that guy.

"His name is Steven Collins."She said and she blushed hard. I could feel that she is crazy for him but he is our rival and does she know that. I can't let her marry him.

"How long do you know him?' I asked her

"For two months." She said dreamily

"But princess her is married." Dad tried to convince Daisy but I think that she won't get this easily inside her head.

"Dad I don't care about it. I want him at any cost." She said and Dad sighed.

"Princess go into your room we will think about it later." Dad said and she nodded and went happily to her room.

"Dad she is in love with our rival." I said and he nodded

"Yeah. It is very impossible situation. I can't make her said by not granting her wish." He said as he was rubbing his temple in frustration.

"Well according to me it is a really nice opportunity." The voice come from our behind and I turned around and saw the person and it was Amy. Sometime I couldn't get her intention as well. I sometime find that she is hiding something which she doesn't want to tell any of us.

"How it is a nice opportunity?" Dad asked her. My dad also trust her so much. I sighed

"We can take her husband away from her and we can grab properties by blackmailing him and we can also destroy that Nicole Miller aka Angela Nicole Miller." Amy said and smirked. I sighed. She is really an evil lady. This idea could destroy her but I don't think that it is great idea because I think Steven too love her wife so much by now and even if we get Daisy married with Steven then I don't think that she will be happy with him

"Well you are right." Dad said and smirked. I shook my head. Dad won't leave the opportunity which can lead to destruction.

"It is the perfect chance to destroy Millers." He said. I wanted to stop my father but I know what my father will say that I am thinking from my heart but for our rival we have to think from brain. As I couldn't say anything so I should go to my room only. I did what I thought. I was near my room and when I saw down when I saw Amy going away. This lady is hiding something which no ones know but my dad and what is that they could only describe and I want to know about that so badly. I entered in my room.

I sat on my bed. I think before they take a step I have to do something. I can't let dad destroy three lives no..... four live. They are Angela, Steven, Tristan and Daisy. Dad is doing everything wrong. Their are many way that they can destroy them but the way dad is using is not very good. It could destroy the live. Especially Daisy and Tristan. They both shouldn't be involved in the matter which doesn't have any kind of role in this. I had never thought that my dad would take this kind of steps which will only lead to destruction no of them only but our also. My phone started to ring. It was from Claude. I picked it up.

"Hello Claude." I said.

"Ms. Windsor, your sister had reached the cafe." He said.

"what but she was in her room." I said and then I realized that she must have other door to get out from the house.

"Has Steven came?" I asked him.

"Yeah he is over here and is talking with her." He said.

"Please keep a close ear to her." I said.

"She is confessing." He said and for few seconds I thought that soul had come out from my body.

"What is Steven response?" I asked.

"He had said that he won't leave his wife and started to walk away from there." He said.

"Keep your eyes. I will call you later." I said and hung up. I have to take the step before something happens which doesn't suppose to be happened.

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