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Hi kitties


I opened the curtain and slide the door away and entered into the balcony and take the fresh air. It made my nerves better. Today is the last day that I am here in New York. Tonight I would be flying back to England. But I am sad that James is not ready to listen to me. I don't know why he is so much furious. My phone started to ring and I picked up. It was from my dad.

"Good morning dad." I said.

"Good morning." He said.

"How come you call me this early in the morning?" I asked him.

"Don't I have the right to call you?' He asked.

"You do have but it is suddenly." I said and he chuckled.

"I wanted to tell you something." He said.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"In few minutes you will get the delivery." He said and I was confused. My door bell ring.

"Dad hold for a second." I said and kept the phone on the bed and opened the door.

"Ms. Windsor you have a parcel." He said and I take it and closed the door. It was small box and I opened it and found two keys. I took the phone.

"Why there are two keys?" I asked him.

"As you are going to be there for another week so I bought you a small villa and a car at your name." He said and I was shocked.

"Dad you didn't have to do that." I said.

"No, sometime I should do something for you. You help me a lot." He said and I looked at my phone weirdly. This is the completely new thing to me. Dad was actually giving me something.

"I am going to be here for one more week?" I asked him.

"Yeah," He said.

"Is there another meeting over here?' i asked him and he chuckled.

"no there is not. You should get some rest as well." He said.

"But dad I had already get the and rest the project has to be done as well." I said.

"i know. But this is a gift from me and you take it. I will take care of the project from you side." He said and a smiled spread over my face.

"Now get ready and check out your new house." He said and hung up after two minutes my phone buzzed and the message was about the address of the new house. I don't know what had happened to dad but today I am very happy that my dad had given me something. Well I didn't demand for this but I wanted his love only. I don't mind if this love is in indirect way.

I get from the bed and started to get freshen up and after when I freshen up. I packed my luggage and check out from the hotel. I saw a yellow Bugatti. It was a latest model. The key was with me and address as well. I took the car and went to the address and after few minutes I reached there. It was nice one. It was much small but was enough for couple but here I am single. I sighed. I don't know when I will be able to tell him the truth. I can't live with his hatred. But who was that lady? Who was all clingy over him? I was jealous when I saw her and that is why I decided to go away from there to somewhere peaceful.

The villa was great. It was having the greenery and a cute small garden. I think I can come again just to live over here. This is all beautiful. But somewhere in my heart  I am feeling that this all doesn't belong to me. I don't know why but it feels like that I don't belong from her but from somewhere else. The place where I am standing wasn't supposed to be mine but of someone else. I maybe over thinking but maybe I am right somewhere in my heart. 

"I don't know why I am feeling that I don't belong from here and this place is of someone else but till then I will enjoy what I have right now." I said and entered into the house and explore it. It was as beautiful as it was from outside.  I loved this house very much. My phone started to ring and it was from Daisy.

"Hello Daisy." I said

"I heard you got a new house and new car." She said. I know she must be having a mischievous smirk over her face.

"Yeah." I said.

"I want to see it." She said and I chuckled.

"Wait up a minute." I said and opened the video call and now I could see her.

"Let me tour you around this small villa." I said and started to tour her around the villa and she had made her comments on almost everything.

"I wish I could be there with you." She said and I chuckled.

"Don't worry you will be here soon." I said and she nodded.

"I want to see the car as well." She said and I nodded. I come outside and move towards the garage where I have parked the car. I opened the car and then I saw my car.

"Here is the car." I said.

"Oh my god it Bugatti latest car. I envy you right now." She said and I chuckled.

"No need do envy me. You can use it anytime you want but for that you have to be here." I said.

"I can go there after I graduate and in this year I am not going to graduate but next year." She said and I nodded.

"You should study hard. You can achieve what you want." I said and she nodded with a smile.

"I will call you later." She said and hung up. I opened the contact list and pressed James number. I put the phone near my ear and heard the ring was going but after few ring he rejected. I called him like five times but every time he rejected it. I think he is so much angry with me that he doesn't want to even talk to me

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