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Hi kitties


I want that today Hazel meet my parents and my parents had also had came in England permanently  and now I am also able to go to my office and work. So today is Sunday and I am driving towards my parents house.

"So you finally think that it is good for us to meet your parents?" She asked me.

"Yeah, and you were also ready to meet them." I said and I looked at her and she looked away.

"I am quite nervous." She said and I smiled.

"Don't you worry they will like you anyways." I said and she nodded.

"How much far is it?" She asked me.

"We had reached." I said and the gates open and my car entered into the mansion. This is the same place where I was first brought when I was born and this place is where I had started to talk and started to walk. I missed this house.

"Have we came over here before?" She asked me and I looked at her.

"I didn't have brought you here before. It may can be possible that you had come over here." I said.

"I don't think so that I have came over here before yet this place is familiar to me." She said and I was confused.

"Maybe you have seen the same design like this somewhere else." I said.

"I don't think so think this kind of design was used after Patricks house." She said and I nodded. It may could be possible that after our house was construct none of the people had used this design. But then why she feels that this house is familiar to her.  She lives in Cardiff and my house is in Edinburgh. I don't think that she will come this much far to see this house. There is something which she doesn't herself know. I parked my car in front of the gate and when we come outside I gave the key to my bodyguard and he took the car so that he can park the car in the garage.

"Let's go inside. My parents are waiting for you." I said.

"Does your parents know that I am going to be here?" She asked me and I hold her hand.

"No, but indirectly they know that you are going to be here. I had said that I am going to being someone precious to me today." I said and she smiled. Her smile is so beautiful and this makes her more beautiful. But sometime I finds her smile also familiar.

"Where are you lost?" She asked me and I shook my head.

"No where." I said and ringed the bell. My mother opened the door and when she saw me she smiled and then he eyes fall on Hazel and she smiled more.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Patrick." Hazel said and my mother smiled.

"You can call me Patricia." My mom said and Hazel nodded.

"I am Hazel Windsor." She said and my mother had engulfed her into a hug.

"Nice to meet you. And I really can't believe that James choice had become more perfect." Mom said and I rolled my eyes and Hazel chuckled over it.

"Let's go inside." She said and Hazel nodded and she went inside and I also started to go inside when my mother hold on my arm..

"What happened mom?" I asked her.

"Aileen's mother is in this town and I think that today or tomorrow she will come to talk to us about Aileen's marriage with you." She said and I sighed.

"I will take care of her. By the way Aileen is out of my league. I had already found my partner. I don't think that I will be able to leave her that easily. If I leave her than it would be the lats day of my life." I said and she smiled.

"I am seeing your father inside you." She said and I smiled.

"By the way where is he?" I asked her.

"I will call him. You go and spend some time with Hazel." She said and I nodded. I went inside and found Hazel near the window. I went towards her and grabbed her from behind.

"You scared me." She said and I chuckled and kissed her cheeks.

"What are you doing over here?" I asked her.

"I don't know but I felt that I had seen this garden before and that place there used to be  pink and rose flowers and here my favorite daffodils were planted." She said and it left me shocked. This is truly accurate places. But how could she know about that. I am having a strong doubt that there is something which is hidden from many people. There is something which is blinding in front of me. And I have to know about that.

"But that is many years ago." I said and she nodded.

"Hmm...." She said and put her hand on her temple.

"Are you okay?" I asked her and she looked at me.

"I need water." She said and I nodded and rushed to get the water. I grabbed the water and went towards her and give it her and she gulped the water down.

"Are you feeling okay? If not then I can drop you at your home. You don't have to be over here." I said and she smiled.

"Don't worry I am totally okay. It is just my head is aching a bit. It will pass soon and I want to have the lunch with my future in laws." She said and I smiled.

"But if it didn't passed then do tell me about this." I said and she nodded.

"I Like this side of you. Possessive as well as caring." She said and I smiled at her.

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