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Hi kitties


"Are you sure that this information is true?" I asked him.

"Yes sir hundred percent. Angela miller don't have any kind of amnesia as her head wasn't that badly hurt that she could lost her mind. She had bribed the doctor." He said and my anger boiled. Why the hell she would lie to her own family about Amnesia. She shouldn't do this at all. But what could be the reason that she has to hide it. It was making me furious. I picked up my phone and tried to call her but she wasn't picking it up and then I remembered that today is Eros match. She must be busy with her.

So when I met her and her family. They explained me everything and told me that she is suffering from amnesia. So I hired my man to get the information about what had happened with her and now I am getting to know that she doesn't have any kind of amnesia. But she could be true with her family. There is something which she didn't told anyone. Not even her family. I have to ask her. I picked up my call and called Kim.

"Yes sir." He said as soon as he picked up the phone.

"I would like to know about Angela Miller contact number. With whom she is connected with most in recent time." I said.

"It will be done in few minutes." He said and I hung up. I stand up from my seat and went towards the window. I never thought that Angela will do something like that. I have to find why she lied to everyone. My phone started to ring and it was from my dad. I haven't yet told him about that I had find the Millers. I picked up the phone.

"James, where are you and why your phone was off?" He asked me.

"Dad, I am in office and my phone was died so that is why my phone was switched off." I said.

"Oh okay." He said.

"Why you had call me?" I asked him and he sighed and I got it that there is somersetting which is bothering him.

"Aileen's mother is over here and  I am very sure that she will talk about you and her daughter marriage." He said and I sighed.

"Dad just told her that I am already engaged last month ago and show Hazel picture." I said.

"I think this is great idea. But when will you get engaged in real?" He asked me and I smiled.

"Soon dad. I am just finding the perfect time to propose her." I said and he chuckled.

"And I think it is not that much far." He said.

"By the way dad." I took a pause." I have found the Millers." I said.

"What?" He asked in shocked voice.

"I. have. found. the. Millers. " I said.

"Are you sure that they are Millers only?" He asked.

"Dad I am hundred percent sure and not only them but Collins also. But Hemsworth, I haven't found them yet." I said and he sighed.

"They will show up soon." He said.

"I also hope that only. Okay dad I will call you later." I said and hung up. In this few months many things had changed and soon it will be one year of me meeting to Hazel. And I am very sure that I want to spend my rest of life with her only. I want her only in my life and no one. I smiled at that thought and remembered the day when we first met. We were not even talking to each other nicely and now see that we both are so much in love with each other.

And after a month I started to realize that I couldn't see her with other man when I saw her talking to someone who must be from her company. That sight made me jealous and that made me realize that I have some feelings for her. I had never thought that I will open my heart for someone else but I didn't thought someone will really come upon and will open my heart for her. But I am still sure that there is something which she doesn't know that she should know.

I don't know what is it. I haven't seen her mother because she told me that she is no more. But she doesn't look like her father as much her sister Daisy look like her father and I think she must be like her mother. I hope whatever the work they have to do they complete it fast so that I can talk with her father about us. My phone ringed up and it was from Kim. I picked it up.

"She most connected to one number other than Steven Collins." He said.

"And who is it?" I asked her.

"He is her private investigator as well as friend is Richard Cole." He said.

"Provide me with his number." I said.

"It will be done sir." He said and hung up and in few seconds his number came to me and I didn't waste the time and called him.

"Hello who is there?" I heard his voice.

"I am James Patrick. And I know that you are Richard Cole who is working for Angela." I said and I heard the gulping sound.

"What do you want?" He asked and I smirked.

"I want to know the truth what game Angela is playing. Please inform her that I know that she doesn't have amnesia and contact me and tell me where she will tell me the truth and please tell her that also that I want to know the truth by tomorrow." I said and hung up. I want that all this lie to be end up soon.

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