take care

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Hi kitties


I love you

This three words were roaming inside my mind from last few minutes like a broken radio who repeat the same thing again and again. It does feel weird for me. And here James had confessed this three words in front of few people who were looking at us. I didn't notice them but soon I saw them and I was red in embarrassment. I don't know if it is right or wrong but I know that I had also developed the feeling for him but I am not sure yet and he just confessed it in front of me.

"Where are you lost?" I heard James.

"No where." I said and he came close to me and looked at me. My heart was racing fast.

"What are you thinking?" He asked me. I noticed that our distance was hardly few inch.

"I...I.. am think....thinking nothing." I shuttered and he smiled at me.

"If you are thinking about what I said than listen Hazel. I don't know from when but I started to fall for you and whenever you were near me I felt my heart go crazy and this is the second time after my childhood love who rejected me. She was the first person who had ever made my heart go crazy. My heart had choose you and I know that he won't let you go easily. As I am defeated in front of my own heart so I said I love you and I haven't said like anything but I mean it and as the words left my mouth that means from now on you are mine and no one else can claim you and I will also not let this happen." He said and go back from me. I was still shocked by his little speech. I come out from shock

"But what if I don't like you?" I asked him.

"Than no problem, I will force you to marry me by hook and crook." He said and winked at me.

"You can't do it." I said to him

"I can do that love, after all I am James Patrick." He said.

"So much over confidence is not good." I said.

"It is not over confidence but self confidence." He said and grabbed my hand and  I felt the sparks. He pulled me into the bus which was having the seats above the bus as well. He pulled me over there and we sat on the last seat. I was in awe when I saw the city. I started to click the picture and was making the my memories more beautiful. I looked at my side and found James looking at me.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked him and he smiled.

"You look beautiful." He said and I looked at him without blinking my eyes.

"This city is more beautiful than me." I said.

"No, for me you are the most beautiful person." He said and I blushed. He was making feel something which I haven't felt with anyone. No one had made me feel like this. Only James is the person who had made me feel like this.

"We reached the place." James said and I come out from my daze.

"Huh?" I asked and he pointed my back and I looked back and saw Disneyland. I squealed and quickly hugged James.

"I have been dreaming to come over here." I said and he grabbed my hand and we come out and the bus went away. I wasn't minding if he was holding my hand. I was enjoying everything with him. As long as he is with me, I don't mind. I smiled at out hand which was together. Maybe I also started to love him but I want time for the conformation.

Maybe I had done the right thing by not going Paris in first place, maybe life wanted this and I am grateful to the life that I am here with James who loves me and had said that he will be mine and only mine and I don't mind it. No doubt that I ma changed after her entered into my life. He had changed my attitude towards boys. Maybe I was wrong with the mindset I was having regarding boys. He is really different and the person who can also tame me.

"Shall we go inside?" He asked me and I smiled and nodded. we got the tickets and we went towards the rides.

"I want to go on roller coaster at first." I said and he nodded and we went towards that ride and we sat in the front. He was beside me and that was enough for me. The ride started and slowly it was going on the height and my heart was pounding inside my heart. I ride reached on it's height and than the real fun started. I was holding on tight for my safety. I was scared but at the same time I was also enjoying it. It was fun. I didn't even thought that I will ever visit Paris but now see James had fulfilled my dream and by slowly he is fulfilling dream. I now can feel those things which they say. It does feel good to be in love and if it is a dream than I don't want to come out from this romantic and beautiful dream. We come out from the ride.

"It was very amazing." I said.

"I am glad you like it." He said and I looked at him and he was smiling at me.

"We should go on other ride as well." I said and he nodded and we go on many ride and I have to admit I was exhaust but it doesn't matter as long as I  was having fun. These memories are those which I can't even forget even if I die. These memories are precious to me. I looked over James who was also enjoying with me and didn't complain even if I whined for things. He fulfilled them without any complain. No doubt that this person is the one for me who can I believe with my eyes closed and even if I give him my heart he will take care of it and will never broke it.   

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