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Hi kitties


I was in front of the police station and with me Hazel was present. I know that my fake father loved her daughter Hazel a lot and that is why he had named me Hazel.

"So my father is over here?" She asked me and I nodded.

"Your father soon be hung. In few months because of the sins he had did. Sometime I wonder I was also guilty then why didn't they arrested me." I said and sighed.

"because you weren't in the fault. My dad had made you erase all the memory and had created a new mind set inside your brain. So you totally don't deserve being punished according to me." She said and I smiled.

"Skylar what are you doing over here?" I heard Angela voice and I turned around and saw her.

"And who is she?" She asked and pointed in the direction of Hazel.

"She is real Hazel Windsor and she wanted to meet her father before he is hung  death." I said and she looked over Hazel.

"Oh so you are Hazel. I also wanted to meet you for long." She said and Hazel shook her hand.

"Will you come in with us?" I asked her and she nodded.

"I can't leave you like that. Or else James will have my head." She said and I chuckled.

"he is so much sweet to do that." i said and she rolled her eyes.

"You haven't see when he is angry?" She asked me.

"I have seen him and that is the scary side of him. And I am also afraid that if he comes to know that I had come and meet him he will surely won't leave me." I said.

"Who said a while ago that he is so much sweet to do that?" She asked me and I chuckled.

"I believe that he loves me a lot to do that." I said and she nodded.

" He indeed loves you a lot." She said and I smiled.

"I think we should go inside." Hazel said and I nodded. I went towards the police officer and asked him the permission for meeting Mr. Windsor and she had given us only 10 minutes. A female officer had lead us towards the cell.

"Hazel, I don't want to face you father. You go and talk with him." I said and she squeezed my hand and I gave her a small smile. I stopped in my tracks and let her meet her father. She must be very happy after meeting her father. i know that her father had done many things but I also know that he is a father and he loves his daughter.

"You really don't want to meet him?" She asked me and I shook my head.

"I don't have the strength to meet him." I said and she put her hand on my shoulder.

"I think you should meet him and sort out everything." She said and I looked at her.

"I don't want to sort anything. I am fine now. There is nothing to be sort out now." I said and she shook her head.

"There is a thing to be sort out that he had kept you for 18 years when he had the enough years to kill you but then also he had left you." She said and I looked at her.

"I don't want answer. I am afraid that those answer will not be able to buy by me." I said.

"Skylar dad wants to meet you for one time." Hazel said and I was shocked to hear that.

"Go and meet him." Angela said and I looked at her before I felt that my feet started to move in that direction.

"Dad." I said. I wanted to slap because till now I couldn't call him Mr. Windsor.

"Skylar. I am sorry, I am very very sorry. I got to know the truth last day only. I am really sorry but I think everything had happened for a reason and in this I have got to have a nice daughter like you who had helped me in every phase of my life without speaking anything. I knew that you didn't like being the part of that and that is why I had tried to keep you away. You know when I had brought you with me. I wanted to kill you but I couldn't bring myself kill you because of your innocent face. At that time I had thought about Hazel only and that made me push that thought away and I wanted you to hate me so that when I kill you I don't feel guilty but now everything had turned around and now I am happy that finally I will leave this world in few days. I just hope that you have a beautiful life ahead with James." He said and his every word had touched my heart.

"Your time is up Ms." The officer said and I nodded.

"please give me one minute only." I said and she nodded.

"Not more than that." She said and went away.

"though you were not my real father but I had respected you and loved you like my real father only. I wish this time haven't come ever where I would see you in this condition. It would be best if the situation would be different. Well everything has done but my love for you is still there because you had taken care of me and provided me with everything and for that I want to thank you." I said and went away from there and we come out from there.

"You are alright?" Angela asked me.

"i am totally fine. I am feeling a weight had evaporated from my heart. I am feeling light once again." I said and she nodded. I am really happy and reviled today.

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