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Hi kitties

Skylar/ Hazel

I was hell irritated with our associate who had come from USA. He is hell annoying and make me work harder like I am his slave but I am not. I will tell him clearly today. I heard a knock and said come in. My PA come inside with an envelope. I looked at her confused.

"What is that?" I asked her.

"I don't know. Mr. Patrick told me to give you this. And told me to tell you to get ready by 6." She said and I groaned and she kept the envelope on my desk and went away. I looked at the envelope with irritated face. I took the envelope and examine it from outside and decided to open it and it was the ticket to the Paris. A smile appeared on my face. I always wanted to go Paris. It is not like I haven't got chance, I got many opportunities but because of some work I always had to cancel the trip. But I guess this time I will be able to take the tour around.

For the first time I like Mr. Patrick idea and work. Well...I am impressed. I was very happy. there is a but... But why he want to take me Paris?

My cabin door opened and my dad come inside the room. He sat down in front of me.

"So are you ready to go Paris?" He asked and I nodded with smile.

"But Dad why I am going to Paris?" I asked.

"It wasn't my plan but Mr.Patrick plan to take you to Paris as you have been working so hard for one month. so for one week you are on vacation. How does that sound?" He asked

"Fabulous" I said and he chuckled. Sometime I get confuse by his appearance. Is he the same person who want to destroy the powerful partners MCHP. I mean Millers, Collins, Hemsworth and Patrick. One minute, James is also Patrick then he is also our enemy? I wanted to ask dad but he was in good mood and I don'tr want to spoil it.

"So you work for few hours more and after 12 you can go home for packing." He said and I nodded and he went away. I quickly open up the photo of Miller family which is given by my father. I looked at Nicole very carefully. I don't know why but she is very familiar. I really looked at her closely and was trying to think if I have met her before or not. I was hell confused. But before I could think further my brain suffer a high voltage current. I quickly looked away from photo.

I quickly drink up the water and again looked at the picture of whole family. They all were smiling. Nicole is so small and his brother and cousins to. A smile appear on my face. I don't know but by seeing this photo a relief is settled in my heart. I looked at the Nicole's father closely. I have seen him somewhere. His Hazel green eyes those were so memorizing. I am sure that I have seen him somewhere. But the question is where?  I will soon go mad. I am showing interest in Miller Family.

 They are your enemy Hazel. They are your enemy. 

But then why my heart is saying they are nice and is the part of your heart. I am confused. I am not able to decide whose voice should I considered. My heart or my brain. Or the perfect option I should back out from this mission. But Dad want me to be in this mission. I can't just simply break his trust. I am thinking too much. I guess I should enjoy this vacation this will help me in the release of my brain. I bore myself in my work and I didn't let the Miller family nor Nicole's face enter into my mind. I also didn't think whom voice should I choose. I was just doing my work and was fulfilling my task. I saw the time and it was 1. Holy Fish!!!. I have to hurry my work. I quickly organize my desk and let the building quickly. I sat in my car and went to the mansion. I reached there in fifteen minutes after speeding up. Well I still have hours before I left the house.

Daisy wasn't at home as she has gone to University. I quickly went to my room and started to do packing. I was really excited to go Paris. I take a suitcase and shove my clothes and I take a bag in which I shove laptop, headphone, things like that only. I was done with packing after one and half hour as I have to find my clothes. I quickly took the shooting shower and wear jeans and crop top. I started to do my hair and put some make up. Well I am not the big fan of those products. I looked at my reflection and was looking good. My stomach growl and I quickly went downstairs and have my late lunch. I had done it quickly and I was still left with fifteen minutes. I decided to go through my phone. I went through my social media. I was stopped when I saw James on the Instagram. I didn't know that he also would be on Instagram. I gone through his ID and I found him...... not going to lie...... handsome. His grey eyes are so fascinating. I really noticed it today after one month. I followed his ID and was shocked on my own deed. I heard a  car halt and I went outside and found James with his car which was driving by the driver. He come down from his car and come towards me. Till he came towards. I check him out. He was looking handsome in his casual as well. i shook my head and scolded myself.

"So are you ready?" He asked

"You are also going to Paris?" I asked him

"We are going to the Paris." He said and smiled at me.

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