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Hi kitties


So today I am going to meet Albert. We had decided to meet up in the restaurant at lunch time. I hope he will tell me something which will worth me knowing. I just want to know why this dreams come up and leave me in a pain.

Last night dream was also not good but a scary one. I saw that someone had hit my head and took me somewhere which I don't know. And everything went dark. It was really a scary dream for me and it feel like that everything was all real to me. 

I took my bag and phone and come downstairs and took a taxi to the restaurant. Our company is spread all over Europe but we still doesn't have wing out of Europe. I have heard about the most powerful company that was Miller, Collins, Hemsworth and Patrick. And that Miller is the one of the target of us. I reached the restaurant and saw Albert at one of the table. I went towards the table and sat in front of him.

"Good afternoon." I said and he smiled.

"Good afternoon. I am Albert the psychiatrist." He said.

"I know about you. Your sister had told me about that." I said and he nodded.

"So you are Hazel Windsor?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah one and only." I said and he chuckled.

"Hmm.....so Sera just told me that you are having weird dreams lately." He said.

"Of course that is why I am here." I said.

"Can you explain me when have you started to have  those weird dreams?" He asked me and I thought for a while.

"I think these dreams came up at my teen only but as at that time it wasn't as regular like they are now and they almost become regular from last few months." I said and he nodded.

"Do you see the dream in night only?" He asked me.

"No, even if I close my eyes for few minutes those dreams came up and left me with sharp pain and that is when I couldn't see further." I said.

"Could you explain me what you see exactly?" He asked me and I nodded.

"i most of the time saw a little girl of age 4 or 5. I saw in many different scene like sometime on birthday party, in house with her parents or in the ground playing, like a normal toddler do." I said and he nodded.

"Have you ever heard the girl name?" He asked and I thought for while and suddenly I remembered.

"i think I have. One day when I was having the dream I saw the same girl and a boy of seven years old. He was calling her little Skylar. I think her name is Skylar." I said.

"Could be possible and the boy?" He asked.

"The girl was calling him Jamey but he was saying his name i s James." I said and he was listening to be.

"Well psychology says that our 80 percent of the dream have some connections with us. Do you think that you know the people whom you see in the dreams.?' He asked me and I shook my head.

"I think I haven't met anyone till now." I said.

"i think you have met them before." He said and I looked at him weirdly.

"How could you say that?" I asked him.

"Because we saw those person only whom we have met even for few seconds." He said and I nodded.

"But I haven't met them." I said.

"You think you haven't met them but it might be possible that you forget that you have met them." He said and put this entwined hand on the table and looked at me.

"I don't remember I think." I said.

"Do you think that you don't remember any phase of your life." He asked me and I gave a thought for a while and something hit me.

"I don't know how I looked when I was five years old." I said and he looked amused.

"Maybe that is the time in which you have met them." He asked me and I nodded.

"It may can be possible." I said.

"Can you describe me one of the dream?" He asked and I nodded.

"I will tell you about that which I saw frequently." I said and looked at him. " I many times see the same in the birthday party where I see everything blurry. In fact I saw the girl clearly but everything and everyone is clearly except the person who has dirty blonde locks. I assume that they are friends. That day everyone was very happy and were enjoying themselves when suddenly something crash and everything black out and all I could at that time were bloodshot eyes which were glaring at the girl and was sacred to death and after that my head always pound like hell." I said and he nodded.

"I think there is a strong connection between you and the dream." He said and I looked at him.

"What it could be?" I asked him.

"Well I don't know but I think your dream is trying to make you remember something which is related to you and wanted to make you analyze something and that pain in your brain I think will reduce when you will meet those people whom you have seen in this dream." He said.

"I think we should end  over here only." I said and he nodded.

"Let's have lunch together." He said and I nodded. We had a lunch and I bid my goodbye to him and come out and I started to walk away. Could really there be any connection with me and those dreams ?Are my dreams really mean something? Could this dream want me to know about something that I don't know.

"You had moved on so much fast without the break up." I heard a cold yet familiar voice and I turned around and saw a furious James.

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