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Hi kitties


"So what is life then?" I asked her and she smiled.

"Life is a beautiful world which could be created by one's mind.  It depend on the person how he wants his life to be. A life could be anything except a bed of roses. Everything you do will return back to you." She said and it made me tensed.

"So you mean that my sin of 18 years will be paid?" I asked her and she again smiled.

"It is you who is thinking that your 18 years sin will be worst. But listen one thing that if you remain positive till the end of the life than the worst paid will be the best paid." She said and I nodded.

"I think now I should leave." I said and she nodded.

"You take care of yourself. Your fever is still there." She said and I nodded.

"I will take care of myself aunt." I said and she smiled.

"Though I am not your real aunt but whenever you call me aunt I feel graceful.  I wish I had the daughter like you only." She said and I smiled.

"There is no need to be someone like me. You can consider me as one after all the love of mother from which I have snatched off you have provided me with that." I said and she smiled.

"I think you had started to look the positive side of the life." She said and I nodded.

"I am looking. Thanks a lot." I said..

"So are you going to meet your real parents?" She asked me and I nodded.

"I haven't meet them after that incident. In reality I am scared to face them." I said and she nodded.

"I think this is normal because all of the sudden you are revealed that you are someone else. So indeed it is hard for you to adjust with the new environment." She said and I sighed.

"I hope everything goes right. " I said.

"Everything will be alright." She said and I stand up and took my bag pack.

"Will you go and meet Bennett as well?" She asked me and I looked at her and thought for a while.

"I will go. After all he had taken care of me for 18 years. Not a short period. I had considered him as my father whether he had consider me as or not." I said and she nodded.

"You are getting brave day by day." She said and I grinned and she chuckled. I come outside and went towards the bus stand and was ready to go Hemsworth mansion. I had gave up one everything I possessed from Mr. Windsor. It feel so much weird when I called him.

"Hazel." i heard Daisy voice..

"I mean Skylar." I saw her and she was not too far from me.

"What are you doing over here?" I asked her and went towards her and she embraced me in a hug and I was shocked at her act and she released the hug.

"I want to say sorry to you that I had talked with you in that way. You had tried to make me understand what is right but I didn't heard you and just keep on doing what I like to. Today when I haven't found you around. I felt that I am all alone. But now I really know that you are not my sister. But I think I will consider you as my sister because whenever I wanted someone to show me the way you were there and now after you are gone I am realizing that you were the precious gem which I have lost now." She said and I looked at her with confused eyes.

"No need for saying sorry. And yet you haven't lost me until I am gone from this world as long as you want you can talk with me and can consider me as your sister as we had spend so many time together." I said and she smiled.

"Thank you so much but now I think I will find my real sister Hazel." She said and I nodded with a smile.

"I also want to meet the real Hazel." I said and she nodded.

"I don't know where she must be?" She said.

"Maybe they are where you mother must be." I said.

"They must be in America in Ibsen mansion." She said and that Ibsen name ringed in my ears. I had heard the name Ibsen and suddenly I remembered the encounter with Hazel Ibsen.

"was you mother last name Ibsen?" I asked her and she nodded and  I was dumbstruck.

"Then don't worry I will bring your sister back to you because I know where she must be." i said and her eyes light up and she again hugged me.

"Thank you so much Skylar." She said and I chuckled.

"Your welcome sweetheart." I said and she smiled.

"I will go now." She said and I nodded and she started to go away. Hazel Ibsen is the real Hazel Windsor and I now know why she said that we will meet in future because she knew that one day the truth will be in front of me and one day I will be wanting to meet real Hazel.

"Want to go somewhere?" I heard James voice and looked his car in front of me.

"I don't want your help." I said. I am still angry with him. He chuckled and I started to walk away. I am ready to walk as long as my feet were ready to take me.

"Are you sure?" i heard his voice.

"I am very sure." i said and didn't even looked at me.

"But I am not sure." I heard his voice and the very next moment I felt being lifted up and I looked over James.

"Why can't you leave me alone?" I asked him.

"Because I had grabbed your hand for forever not to leave you alone." He said and I secretly smiled

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