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Hi kitties


With the same thought around my head I reached my cabin and couldn't find James anywhere. he must have left by now. I closed my eyes and saw those familiar Hazel eyes.

"Sky, you won't leave me." The little girl asked.

"No, I won't. I will be with you till we grow up." Sky said and they both giggled.

"You are my best friend." The girl said.

"You are my best friend too, Angel." The girl said

I opened my eyes. For a weird reason I didn't felt any sharp pain in my mind. I stands up from my seat and stand up and went towards the window and looked at the city. I didn't feel any pain suddenly and that Hazel eyes matched someone. Maybe that was Angela who was speaking in my dream and I suddenly recalled the pictures of Angela and I concluded that indeed she was Angela. But what she was doing in my dream. Am I connected with her somehow that she came in my dream?

I heard the door being opened and I turned to see the person and it was James. I thought that he had gone already but he is already her. He was panting. Was he running all the way over here? I went towards him and put my one arm on his back and one on his chest so that he could be stable.

"Are you okay? Why were you running?" I asked him and he looked at me.

"Who was she?" He asked me and I got confused.

"About whom you are talking?" I asked him.

"The girl with dirty blonde hair and Hazel eyes." He said and I got it that he was asking about Angela Miller.

"She was heiress of Miller Company. Daughter of Evan Miller, Angela Miller." I said and for few second it was like that he had forget breathing.

"James" I called him worriedly.

"James." I said and shook him a bit and he got his sense.

"What is her name?" He asked me.

"Her name is Angela Nicole Miller. Now take breathe." I said and a smile spread over his face. He kissed my forehead and I was confused on his act.

"You don't know what you have told me." He said and I was confused. Why he is so happy knowing about Angela Miller.

"Do you have her address?" He asked me and I shook my head and he looked a bit disappointed. I was also sad when I saw him like that.

"No, I don't have. But why you need it?" I asked him.

"I have been finding her for very long time. I want to meet her." He said with sad smile. It was making my heart blood weep when he is sad.

"If you want the address. Then you wait over here. I will get her address in five minutes only." I said and he looked at me with hopeful eyes and I smiled when a smile come over his face.

"It will be great." He said and I nodded I went towards my table. I grabbed my phone and called Carmen. Recently my calls are filled with his number only. I always wanted to be updated with her whereabouts but I don't know why Carmen haven't told me about Angela visiting over here. After I dialed his number I put it near my ear. The ring was going on.

"Good afternoon Ms. Windsor." He said.

"Good afternoon." I said.

"You called me suddenly?' He asked me.

"Yeah, I have some works with you." I said.

"Yeah, tell me what is it?" He asked me and I sighed.

"Can you provide me with Angela's house address. Where is currently living?" I asked him.

"She is with her grandfather. I will send you the address." He said and I hung up. I looked over James whose smile wasn't fading at all. I am wondering what work he must be having with Angela.

"You address is on the way." I said and he looked at me and my phone popped with the new message which was send by Carmen and I forwarded it to James.

"I have sent you the address." I said and  he checked his phone and stand up from his seat and came towards me and hugged me. I smiled. I don't know what his work might be but I am happy when he is happy.

"Thank you very much. You don't know what you have done for me." He said.

"You don't worry I will always help you whenever you will be needing me." I said and he nodded with a smiled and kissed my forehead again and I smiled.

"I will meet you afterwards. Bye and don't forget to take the rest." He said and I nodded. I waved him and he went out. I sat on my chair . I am exhausted today though it is afternoon only and I think I had also forget to eat the lunch. I sighed. There was a knock on the door and I said come in and Daisy come inside.

"Your classes are finished?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Today professor was on the leave and that is why the class got cancelled and there was no teacher as substitute so yeah my classes are finished and I also want to have lunch with you. I hope you haven't eat yet" She said and I smiled.

"I haven't eat. I was planning to go and eat but you came as my savior. Let's eat together." I said and she nodded with the smile. I love her so much. She is my little cutie pie. I cleaned the table and she sat in front of me and we started to have the food. I think sisterhood is the best feeling

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