A new chapter

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Hi kitties

6 months later


"Can't you just tell me where are we really going?" Skylar asked me and I shook my head.

"I have told you that I want to surprise you." I said and she looked irritated.

"Why are you so mysterious so suddenly?" She asked me.

"I think I am simplified version. It is your brain who is thinking that I am mysterious." I said.

"You and simplified version. Does it even match?" She asked me  and I chuckled.

"They do. And we had already reached." I said and stopped the car and got down and open the door for her.

"This is my ex company in which I used to work." She said and I nodded.

"For a weird reason Mr. Windsor had signed away this company on the name of you." I said.

"He named me Hazel so the real one should be Hazel Windsor not me." She said and I chuckled.

"It wad on your true name only." I said and her eyes went wide.

"Mr. Windsor had so many properties and he had already divided it among his daughters and this only one is signed for you." i said.

"He indeed loved me like his daughter." She said and I nodded.

"Let's go inside." I checked my pocket and found the box. Today is the special day for me and her. I want to purpose her. I hope that others had also come already.

"Let's go towards the conference room." I said started to drag her

"But I want to firstly go towards my room." She said and I shook my head.

"we should go there only first." I said and I looked at her and she shook her head.

"Why are you running and dragging me like a kid. From last few days you have been acting like a kid." She said.

"And I want that this kid to be cared by the person whom he loves the most." I said and she giggled.

"then it should be your mother. No worries after we get out of here I will leave you to you mother only." I know that she is teasing me but i chuckled.

"well I would like to be with my lover right now." I said and she giggled.

"Huh nothing had changed in these months." She said. I haven't dared to create any change well. The people who used to work are still working but till now Sera was handling this company.

"I haven't also asked for changes as well." I said.

"I also don't want." She said and I smiled. We reached the conference room and I made her sit on the boss seat.

"Oh now I am the boss so Mr. James Patrick for what presentation you have brought me over here." She asked me in a bossy tone and I chuckled.

"Today is the love presentation and I hope the boss will like that." I said.

"let's see first and than I would decide if I want this deal or not." She said and I again chuckled.

"This deal you won't say no to." I said.

"Is that so?" She asked and I nodded and switched off the light and let the presentation begin. It was a video clip of us when we were young or toddler. The first day when I hold her in my hand. I had scarcely let  anyone hold her and that made all people except her father who was glaring at me and told my dad that I am taking his daughter away.

"is that you?" She asked me and pointed on my childhood photo.

"of course." I said.

"You were so cute. I would like to have cute kids in future just like you." She said and I smiled.

"you should have brought food as well. It would be more enjoying." She said and I shook my head. She most of the time like to eat food only sometime I feel jealous of her food also. Then their were photo of us when we were in the Paris and then our regular meeting and the happiness we shared.

"It is so beautiful." She said and was looking at the screen with so much sparkle in her eyes and then after this the real words come up and I also knelt in front of her.

"What is...." She couldn't complete her sentence when she saw me with the ring and knelt in front of her.

"So what do you think about this deal. Could you say no to this because this is a forever deal." I said and she smiled.

"of course I am ready." She said and I put the ring on her finger and she hugged me immediately.

"Finally I could have you for forever." I said to her and then we heard applause. I saw that every one was here only.

"Everyone is over here only." She said.

"After all I have to claim you in front of everyone only." I said and she smiled.

"I love you James Patrick. I love you a lot." She said and I smiled.

"I love you too Skylar Hemsworth. And I promise that I won't leave you till I die and will love and cherish you to eternity." I said.

"You have touched my heart." She said and I smiled.

"James keep my precious one protected. If she would cry then I would leave you." I heard Mr. Hemsworth and I nodded.

"I don't think you have to do that Hemsworth because if he made her cry then I would punish him." My dad said.

"Hmm....I think they all are planning already about our wedding." She said and I nodded.

"Well sneak out from here." I said and she nodded and we come out from there. A new chapter is going to be start soon.

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