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Hi kitties. So finally we had reached to the end of the chapter and with this chapter this story also officially ended. I just hope that you enjoyed their journey.

19 years later


"Kyle will you stop eating right now when I am talking to you." I said and he shook his head and kept on eating his chips. I swear both mother and son are big foodie but my son is more than my wife.

"Why are you shouting like the earth is about to end." I heard my dear wife voice. She came inside. Even after all these years she haven't changed a bit. She is still that Skylar whom I met at the first in the office at Windsor crop.

"Your son is not listening to me but is eating only." I said and she sat beside him and she also started to eat and I sighed.

"this taste good." Skylar said and Kyle smiled.

"I also liked it." Kyle said.

"Will you listen to me also." I said and they both looked at me.

"Why are you shouting?" She asked me.

"Do you even know what he is doing in school?" I asked and she shook her head.

"What are you doing Kyle?" Skylar asked and he become silent.

"What he did?" She asked me. Before I could speak anything I heard a cheerful voice.

"Mom Dad I am home." Kylie said and entered in the room and she came in the living room and sat beside Skylar.

"Is dad practicing a speech?" Kylie asked me.

"Sort of" Kyle said.

"I am not giving any speech over here." I said and Kylie looked at me.

"What happened dad? why are you furious?" Kylie asked me.

"It is all about Kyle. He is giving me headache." I said.

"Are you talking about his racing that he do?" Kylie asked me and I looked at her eye wided.

"Yeah today Patricia told dad everything about my racing." Kyle said.

"You knew about his racing?" I asked Kylie.

"Yes we all know about this." Skylar said.

"Was I the only one who didn't know about this thing?" I asked and all three of them nodded.

"I am not that important to you guys that none of you had talked about that with me and I have to get know about this from other person." I said and it made me sad.

"James it is not like..." Skylar was saying something but I stopped her by showing my hand.

"I don't want to talk now." I said and started to go away and went towards the garden and sat on the bench. I couldn't believe that Kyle do street racing. And everyone knows about that except me. Today I am feeling very unimportant member of my own family.

"I knew that you will be here only." I heard Skylar voice and the next moment she was sitting beside me but I didn't even tried to talk with her.

"Are you really not in the mood of talking?" She asked me and I didn't say anything.

"You know what James you are really overthinking. Do you think when I would have told you about that Kyle race then you would allow him? At first when I also saw him doing that I had given me a long lecture but at the end he only said that he wants to race. He wants to be a racer but at the same time he wants to take over your company also. He said that after he takes over the company he will leave it. I think he will be more happy when he will be a racer and that thing had stopped me from giving him more lecture. I know that he doesn't listen to you most of the time and loves to do what he like it is because his spirit is independent and at the same time he doesn't want to follow someone's else rule. And I also know that one day he will make you proud on him." She said and I looked at her.

"But he could have also told me this." I said.

"Now you know that he race than talk with him. And I think you shouldn't believe on Patricia soon. But she had told you the truth so she is right in her place." She said.

"But he could have..." I was about to say but she pecked my lips.

"Forget about that and talk with Kyle. I know that he respects you more and if you don't allow him not to race than he will leave it without any second thought." She said and stand up and went inside the house and then I sat there for a while and then I also came inside the room.

"Bro will you relax. You know when you are so much upset even you eat twenty of chips you will not stop. Light up your mood." I heard Kylie voice and I went towards there.

"Kyle let's talk for a while and leave your food." I said and he nodded. I smiled a bit.

"dad I know what you will say. I will give up...."He was about to finish it.

"If you love racing than you could have told me. I could have arrange it but by hiding it you haven't done a great thing. You can race but with some instructions which I will give you and if you follow it then you can race as much as you want." I said and his face light up and it made me feel good too.

" I can do anything you want me to do." He said and I tell him the instruction and he also nodded and was ready  to accept my instruction.

"And you don't have to give up your passion even of you join the company though I still hate that idea." I said and he was shocked but was happy.

"Has your talk ended or not?" I heard Skylar voice.

"We are done." I said and then we come outside.

"Everything settled?" She asked and I nodded and she smiled

Our life had played so many crazy game and it was also the time when I had almost decided that I want to leave her but God plans was different and after that we only come close and today I am happy to have such  a good family.

The End

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