those days

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Hi kitties


"Have you got any information about Miller yet?" I asked my detective.

"Sir, still not got the trace of them." He said.

"Fine." I said and hung up. It had been 18 years since they are Miller rest of the family is missing. After the incident of Angela's parents and her uncle and aunt where they got vanished we don't know that. I don't even know that are they still in London or not? I closed my eyes and started to remember those days when I used to play with Angela and she used to fight with me a lot because of her best friend Skylar. She used to call me grey cause I was having grey eyes. She was really naughty. She was very cute and I bet she would be now a real Angel. I just want to find her and help her. My phone ringed that brought me out of my thoughts.

"Son have you found out about Millers yet?" My dad asked me.

"No dad. He is not yet able find them." I said and I heard him sighing.

"Dad why it is difficult for us to find them?" I asked him.

"James they had suffered a lot and we had come to USA leaving them all alone. I still felt guilty about it but if I haven't come over here then I won't be able to catch them red handed." He said and I sighed.

"Dad I will try to find them at any cost. Hook and crook. I will find them." I said.

"I know you can son. I just want to see them once again." He said

"Okay fine dad I will talk to you  later onward. I have a meeting to attend." I told him

"Fine." He said and hung up. I took my phone and press the app photos and scroll down till the end of the gallery and open a photo. I looked and the photo and the bliss inside me rose up. It is the same photo in which Angela was celebrating her 5th birthday. She was happy. And that as well I just confess my feeling to 5 year old Skylar. She just laugh on it and refused me. I was heart broken.  I know it was way too much earlier but it was impossible for me to hold on me to see that other boys around her just like Steven who was way to much possessive on Angela. They would always spend time and Angela would always find a new topic to find to start the fight.  Even through she is 3 years younger then me but she has surely got the sharp voice. I am still wondering if Angela was so much cute back then she must be beautiful by now. But Skylar. I sighed. She is no more. When I heard this news I couldn't hold on me. And wasn't able to take the news that she is not anymore then another incident happened that Millers are no where to found.

The incident that took place 18 years ago had broke Miller, Hemsworth, Collins and Patricks apart. I just have to find Miller first then Hemsworth and Patricks aren't hard to find. There was a knock and the door opened.

"Sir the meeting is going to start." My secretary said and I nodded and get up from my seat and take the files which are needed in the meeting.  If this meeting went well then the there is gain for three companies as well as lose. I hurried my steps and went to meeting hall and was followed by my secretary. I done handshake with everyone and settle down. My turn was first to present my presentation. I stand up from my seat with confidence and started my presentation. After I completed I can hear the applause for me. Like this only all the three company had presented their own presentation. Then we all agree to sign the deal.  I got 40 percent and rest got 30 percent. As my company is at high. My meeting went well. I come back to the cabin and just relax a bit.

My dad used to tell me that his time was something enjoyable. Four of the family rule the England. Actually they were five. My dad, Mr. Hemsworth, Mr. Collins, Mr. Evan Miller and Mr. Ethan Miller. Dad also used to tell that both the Miller brothers were very powerful. Even through they have age difference they would look like twins who have characters of North Pole and south Pole and remembering those days only my father something laugh on his own and sometime cry over it.

My dad never forgot those days memory. He says that they are still fresh in his minds and just want to live in them only. If he would have power to go back in time then he would have stopped them and may save them and also save those Millers kid from becoming orphan but it is already too late means way too much late.

He never also let me forgot those days. He also reminds me when Skylar had rejected me and I go and sit under the tree the they all asked what had happened but when I tell them what happened they would all laugh at me but Angela and Steven didn't they just hugged me and told me that everything is fine but after few days we have come to the USA for some work but then we shifted here only.

I closed the eyes and remember those days which must not be deleted from my life ever cause they are something from which I can remember them and can feel the 8 years old James who had been rejected by his crush. I laughed at it remember those days.

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