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Hi kitties


I was happy when I reached home. I was happy that I got someone with whom I can spend my time in Paris Paris which was like a heaven to me and I think I had already fall in love with James. He was all time sweet and care for me a lot.

I like how he care for me and how much he love me that kiss something that I won't forget. I am glad that he came in my Life and made me feel the feeling which I haven't felt.

Though my vacations were very nice but after the vacations when I reach the office I got so many works. No worries I can do all of them anyway. It's just that after I came back from Paris almost all of me has changed. I  picked up my phone and dialed James number

He had built his own company over here which is near my company I am glad that he is at least near me. He is always on my mind and I also don't mind having him in my mind all the time. He has proved me wrong that all the boys are not same and I hope his love for me never fade. Though this is my first time in love but I want it to be last. I hope he never hurt me. After few rings he picked up the call.

"hello baby how are you?" He said and I chuckled.

"I am great. Where are you?" I asked him.

"I am in my office and will soon go for the meeting." He said and I nodded though I know that he can't see me.

"That is great." I said. I wanted to say more but I don't want to tell him my feelings now.

"You want to say something more?" He asked me and I was shocked on how he knew that I wanted to say something more.

"No, nothing." I said and he chuckled.

"No problem. I will call you later love." He said and hung up. I blushed a little when he called me love. I think I should get used to this. This all thing is so new to me. I am happy but at some point I am insecure along with scared. I haven't been in relationship nor I thought I will be in because I had kept myself away from it. I always used to think that it is waste of time and who will love a person like me who is nothing but arrogant in many eyes. But all this thing fade when James came in my life. He had made me believe that a relationship is a special feeling not a waste of time. It makes a person special to someone else and my every doubt he cleared slowly.

"Are you done with your works?" I heard my dad voice and I looked up and he was looking at me confuse.

"No dad. I am doing that." I said and was looking at the screen and was doing the work.

"What is going on with you?" He asked me and I looked at him with confused look.

"What is going with me?" I asked him and he sat in front of me.

"You have changed a lot after you came from the trip." He said. Have I changed a lot? I asked myself. If I changed then why i didn't noticed it.

"I am changed?" I asked him and he nodded

"You have been acting weird. You are smiling more and your focus on the work is less. Has something happened in Paris?" He asked and one thing only crossed my mind. Kissing James in front of Eiffel Tower. I blushed a little but then I realized that my father was in front of me and I looked at him and he was raising his one eyebrow.

"No, there nothing happened." I said and he gave me a look that 'I am not satisfied with your answer'.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"yes dad. I am just tired that's all." I said and he nodded.

"No worries. I know you must be tired. Do one thing do few works and after that you can go home and rest." He said and I nodded. He stand up from the seat and went out of my cabin and I take a sigh of relief. I was almost at the edge of getting caught. I know my father very well that he won't sit quite, he will definitely try to search for this reason. I think he has another eyes which he keeps on me . I sighed.

I was focusing on my work but many times between my work our moments came in my mind. I admit that when he was talking with his sister I was burning. I was to smack that lady. I chuckled on my own thoughts. It is really weird for me that I am behaving completely opposite of what I was. Well maybe I am changed because James had made me feel a special feeling which I don't want to lose.

I tried to focus on my work and was successful enough to complete my task before lunch and as it was lunch I was thinking of going to restaurant to eat the food. I finalized my decision and got up from my seat and went to the parking lot and grabbed my car and went towards my favorite restaurant. It is quite popular in our locality. Sometime I miss myself when I was teenager, I used to slack many things. Many times I slack my classes just to eat there. They were so colorful days. Now everything has changed. I am a 23 years old now and work with my father. No more slacking away. I reached the restaurant and when I entered inside it something caught my eyes and before I could process more. I come outside and went to another restaurant.

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