Chapter 1- X Factor Lead Up

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*Edit* A/N - I'm currently writing chapter 55 and I think it may be my last chapter of this story. I read the whole story back and realised how shit the first like 20-25 chapters are. I'm so sorry I promise they get better, and longer. This was my first story. I'll shut up now.

Niall has admitted to having a crush on Demi many times, and so has Demi. Fans wanted them to get together, however the fans had no idea that Niall and Demi were hanging out. They thought they had never spoken. Niall and Demi aren't dating, they are just obsessed with each other and love hanging out together, they both have major crushes on each other too!

All of the girl judges always spoke about boys, boyfriends and boy problems, Demi speaks openly to them, she trusts them, she has told the girls everything about Niall, except she never told the girls she was talking about Niall Horan, they don't don't know who Demi was talking about.

Niall wanted me to say hi to his 'uncle Simon' Some might say calling him uncle Simon is weird, but I think it's cute.
I found a time to say hi for Niall.
"Niall says hi,"-D
"What, Niall from one direction!"-S
Stay away from him, he's pure!"-S
Awkwardly Demi says embarrassed-
"Uhhh... excuse me!?"
"Are you dating him!"-S
"No! I'm not going to date anyone for a whole year!"-D
And I made that clear to him!"-D
"Have you kissed him!"-S
"No! Simon!"-D said smiling with embarrassment.

All of the other judges walked up to us and asked what we were talking about
"We are talking about Niall and Demi dating, and about how Demi had her first kiss with him!"-S
"What! Demi you didn't tell us about Niall!"-Paulina
"Or about your first kiss!"-Britney
"Or that you are ACTUALLY dating him!"-Kelly
"OMG guys! Simon was just teasing me none of those things are true!"-Demi said bright red
Everyone laughed rolled their eyes then walked away.

**The Next Day**
All the judges were talking in the dressing rooms, then Simon came in.
"Demi!! Guess what!! Your boyfriend is coming to preform!"-S
"Awwww she's nervous!"-Kelly
"I am not!"-D
One Direction arrived at the X factor and Niall wanted to go to Demi's changing room before the show started.

**Niall's POV**
I was looking for Demi's changing room, I was able to sneak back without being noticed. However I felt like I was being watched, next thing I knew I had a girl on each arm and another holding up my feet, I realised it was Paulina, Kelly and Britney!( i know Britney wasn't on the X factor 2013 but I wanted to add her in anyway) Demi's friends/co-judges (not a word, oh well) led me to a corner and put me down, all I could hear is them giggling.
"What's going on with you and Demi?" Britney questioned me.
"Yeah whenever we bring you up she blushes and goes red," Kelly said. OMG Demi blushes when I'm brought up!!! Calm Horan, it probably means nothing, I told myself trying to not get my hopes up.
"OMG ARE YOU GUYS DATING!!" Paulina shouted, before I could ask her to be quiet, Simon walks up!
"Who are you dating Horan?!" Simon said chuckling. I went really red and just said I wasn't dating anyone, to be honest I wish I was dating Demi, she is so stunning and an overall, amazing, caring person. Simon was aware I really wanted this conversation to stop, so he left it alone.

The rest of my band could tell I was extremely nervous, more nervous than I have ever been, we shuffled our normal order on stage so I could be in front on Demi.

**Demi's POV**
I hoped Niall would have came to my changing room before his performance, I guess he doesn't like me the way I like him, someone barged into my changing room
"Ni-" before I finished my sentence I realised it was just the other (girl) judges.
"Wait... did you get excited because you thought we were Niall!!" Kelly said with a smirk on her face.
"I knew they were dating!" Stated Paulina.
"No, Paulina, they're not DATING, they are just a madly in love with each other!" Teased Britney. By this point I was red as a tomato, I could hold back my blushing.
"No, you have got it all wrong!" I said smiling and blushing more than I already was.

We were all sitting at the judges panel and I didn't pay attention to any of the acts, it's not that I didn't WANT to pay attention, it's that I couldn't. All I could think about is Niall, and his upcoming performance. I don't know why I was so nervous though..
"Hey Dems, your boyfriend is coming on next." Kelly teased. I just went red and didn't reply. I was nervous enough as I was, let alone people bringing it up!

Comment and say if I should continue or not xx

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