Chapter 10- Wont Be The Same

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**Niall's POV**
I tried to call Demi and she didn't answer, I tried to call again and again but still nothing, is she okay? Was it me? Did I do something? Does she not want to be with me anymore? Has she moved on? Did she find someone else? It's not like she even likes me anyway, Or does she?

So many questions race through my head as I hear my phone ringing. I hope it's Demi, I hope it's De- Never mind it's just Simon,
N- "What?" I say angrily
S- "Woah, jeez sorry, what's gotten into you? Never mind, okay so, you and the boys will be flying out to the X factor tonight, and will be preforming!"

Yesss this is the perfect opportunity to get closer to Demi!

S- "Hellooo? Nialllll? Are you there?"
N- "Oh, yeah sorry, just got stuff on my mind"
S- "What KIND of stuff? DEMI stuff?" Simon teased through the phone, I could almost sense his smirk through the phone,
N- "What?! Nooo, not at all" I said with my voice getting higher.
S- "Okay, whatever you say, ive already told the other boys, start packing, I'll see you later... Oh by the way Demi broke her phone so if your wondering why she isn't in touch, that's why. I might give her my phone to call you, Bye" he said and abruptly hung up.

Ohhhh that's why she hasn't been in touch, I was getting worried.

**The Next Day**
**Demi's POV**
I was hanging out with Britney, Kelly and Paulina then I saw grandad walking towards me smirking.. oh no. That's never good..
S- "Heyy guys" he's oddly happy..
K- "Hey.. Whats up?"
S- "Oh I just came over to tell you guys who our guest performer will be"
P- " Tell us!"
S- "Demi, you'll like this-" Shit..
S- "Your boyfriend!" I tried to contain my blushing but it didn't work, I was bright red.
D- "We just had them o- wait I mean who's my boyfriend I don't have a boyfriend.." I giggled
Mario Lopez and Khloe Kardashian crept up behind us
M- "red, blushing and giggling.. who are we talking about?" Shit
"Stooopppp" I whined and hid my face in my hands and everyone started laughing.
Kh- "Awwww our lil' Demsy has a boyfriend" Khloe teased,
S- "And he's preforming tonight!" Really Simon!
D- "We're not dating! He's just my FRIEND,"
Kh- "Yeh, yeh, I know that face, you have a major crush on Niall,"
D- "How did you know it was Niall!"
K- "Awwww she admitted it" Kelly gushed.

We all went our own ways as I hear footsteps coming towards me.
B- "Hey Dem-Dem how are you? You know you can talk to me right?" I was always pretty close to Britney. She dragged me into her dressing room and sat me down and locked the door.
B- "Sooo, excites for Niall coming? I'm not gonna judge you I promise, but do you like him?"

I could just tell her, but only Britney nobody else. I trust her.
I look down with red flushed cheeks.
D- "Yeah" I mumble
B- "What sweetie, I couldn't hear you,"
D- "Yeah I do" I said a little louder.
B- "I knew it! I think you guys are absolutely adorable! If he hurts you come straight to me okay? Your only 15 I don't want anything bad happening to you, and he's 16 so be careful. And make sure y-"
D- "Britney! It's fine it's not like he likes me anyways, nothing is gonna happen between us," I say sadly, it's true I guess I just have to admit it. Who would want to go out with a fat ugly whale anyways.
B- "Demi- d..don't say that about yourself"
D- "Shit, Did I say that out loud?"
B- "Sweetie come here"
And Britney pulled me into a hug,
"Everyone, rehearsal break over come into the main area immediately" A producer said through the blaring speakers.
B- "Dems lets go have some fun!"
D- "Yeah!"
B- "By the way Niall likes you too" Britney whispers in my ear then winks, I just start giggling

**Niall's POV**
When we arrived Simon kept on bothering me about Demi, I just ignored him and pushed it to the back of my head. She doesn't like me.

I heard very familiar giggling and I looked ahead and saw the blonde headed goddess who was making the angelic noises, but it wasn't just anyone, it was Demi. I felt Simon nudge me and I turned around to see his smug face.

**Demi's POV**
I saw Niall and we both ran over to each other and engulfed each other in a long, tight hug. I've missed him and his Horan hugs, and his scent. We heard whistling and whispers behind us. When we finally let go and just stared at each other with big smiles.

Kelly nudges me and says
K-"Are you gonna just stare at each other, or are you gonna speak," them she winked and we heard giggling.
S-"can I talk to you for a minute Demi?"
I was annoyed I had to leave Niall but I knew I'm on probably had something important to say as he hurried me and all of the other judges to the green room.(idk what to call it aha)

Kelly was the first to speak-
K-"Simon why did you call us here?"
S-"Well, I have some important news. Unlike the other years of the X Factor, as auditions are almost over we are going to a different state to film the live shows, so we have booked a large villa for all of us and we will stay there for most of the time however there will be times to meet your families."
D-"Is that everything?"
S-"Not quite.. Demi you'll love this *wink* Mario had to pull out of being the presenter for family reasons, but the new presenters for the live shows will be..

Sorry I've been really busy and just questioning if I should continue this.. So sorry for the short chapter aha. I mad it too 600 views and 20 votes! Thank you guys so muchhh xx


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