Chapter 22- Confronation

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**Demi's POV**
We get to Kelly C's house, which is stunning, and I ask to go to the bathroom,
KR-"I'll come with you!"
D-"No, I'm fine,"
KR-"Really?" She says unsure,
D-"Yeah I'm good" As I get up to leave she lifts up the back of my jumper and reaches into my jean pocket and takes my razor. I look at her and she looks at me sympathetically. I go to the bathroom and search around for a razor, but I guess there aren't any in this bathroom, but there will be in one upstairs, I quietly sneak up stairs and go into a guest bathroom and find a razor and without hesitation slash my wrists ferociously.

End it all.
You're not worth it.
Give it up.
Ugly whale.
Nobody cares about you.

I stop and quickly run my wrist under cold water before it gets on Kelly C's jumper. I quickly and quietly walk back down the stairs and go through to the living room and everyone stops talking and looks at me.
Britney quickly jumps up and engulfs me in a hug and whispers.
B-"I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you."
D-"Brit please don't blame yourself, you have been more than there for me, it's me pushing everyone away I'm so sorry." And I squeeze her tighter. We all sit down at they tell me the basics, just to tell them whenever I feel like shit and to always come to them and don't be shy.

We end up talking about stupid things and messing around when I feel a vibration on my ass, I pull my phone out of my pocket and see a notification from 'Your Favourite Person EVER<3' I guess that's what Niall put his name as in my contacts. I smile wide and look up to see the others smirking and looking at each other.
KR-"How did you get that phone?"
D-"Umm, well I told Niall after my phone broke that I haven't had the time to go to the Apple store and get a new one, so he uhh.. surprised me with a new one." I say looking down blushing.
KR-"Yeah, and he doesn't like you" she says sarcastically and everyone laughs.
KC-"What's he saying?" She winks.
D-"Uhh I don't know" and I check messages and it says-
'Hey how are u? I'm sooo bored me and the boys are at Simon's place, are u with the girls? x' I blush and read out the text to everyone.
KC-"Hey you should invite them over here and I'll invite Khloè, and I guess old Simon can come too" everyone laughs and agrees.

I text back-
'Yeah I'm with them, Kelly C was wondering if u guys and Simon wants to come over? x'

B-"Did you text an x back?"
KR-"What did he say?"

I feel my phone vibrate and he said-
'Yeah that sounds great! Just send us the address and we'll leave now. Can't wait to see u Dem x' I read the end and get a bit hot and flustered.

Kelly C grabs my phone and reads his response out loud and teases me until we hear the doorbell. It was Khloè, she comes in and sits on the sofa with us and we all talk for a while."
KC-"lets all get into something a bit comfier, you guys can borrow some stuff." We all head upstairs and Kelly hands is some stuff then looks at me and says
KC-"D come here I think I've got some stuff for when my little cousin occasionally comes over," I follow Kelly and she says I can stay in the jumper but she gets me some shorts and I put them on, and they fit. I am so ashamed that I can fit into them. I bet there for like a 20 year old and I can fit into them because I'm so fat.
KC-"Do they fit okay?" She feels the waistband and says
KC-"There a little big but they fit, Dem there an age 7.. But don't worry the jumper is so big you can't see the shorts." she says worried. I feel slightly better about myself when she says that.

We go through with the others and wait for the rest to arrive. Honestly I'm really self conscious about my legs and they are completely on show, I don't like it.
Kh-"Kelly C, Dems outfit might be a bit to 'distracting' for Niall," and she winks.
KC-"Khloè! No it's not she looks adorable! I even did her hair in a cute messy bun!"
We continue talking until we hear the doorbell go off.

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