Chapter 23- Sleepover

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**Simon's POV**
Me and the boys are just talking about random stuff then I notice Niall completely just zones out and is typing and smiling at his phone. I continue speaking with the rest of the boys but I can't help but wonder why Niall keeps smiling at his phone, ohh, he must be texting Demi.

S-"Niall, what's Demi saying?" His head springs up at the mention of Demi's name. The boys are trying to hold back laughter.
N-"What? How did you know I was texting her?"
S-"Really Niall? You look like an excited dog waiting to receive a text and you keep on smiling at your phone. Wait, Demi broke her phone. How are you texting her then?"
N-"Oh, I- uhh. I got her a new one because she said she just didn't have the time recently to go to the Apple store so I surprised her with it."
H-"Well, that's fucking adorable!"
Louis runs over and puts Niall in a head lock jokingly and starts rubbing his head and messing up his hair. All the boys are laughing.

S-"So what's she saying?" I say genuinely curious, I wonder how they speak to each other.

I might be slightly protective over Demi..
N-"She asked if we want to go over to Kelly C's place, they're all there."
Lo-"Hell yeah."
Li-"That's sounds great."
H-"Lets do that,"
Z-"Definitely." They all look at me for my approval and to see if I'll come too,
S-"Yes, ok we can all go. Only on one condition. No- uhh- funny business with any of the girls!" They all laugh and look at Niall.

We pile into the car and head off to Kelly's place.

**Demi's POV**
The doorbell goes and Kelly C gets up to open the door for the boys.
KC-"Hey, come in!" They all come in and launch themselves on the sofa, and Khloè seems to get really comfortable with Liam, and Niall and I are just next to each other speaking.

Simon asks Kelly C to help him pair his phone with the TV to show us something. Old people.

He starts playing a video of someone who has a very familiar voice, I look at the TV.. OMG ITS ME. I was probably like 8, singing a Kelly Clarkson song (The YouTube video at the top I attached)

This is so embarrassing! I burry my head in my hands as everyone awwws and gushes over how 'cute' it was. Kelly C runs up to me and pulls me into a hug.
N-"How can she sing better than me at 8 years old?!" Everyone is practically pissing themselves laughing.
D-"No, I sucked at 8!"
KR-"This is possibly the cutest thing I've ever seen!"
S-"You were so good at such a young age, I might just have another clip.."
He puts on a clip of me singing Destiny's Child 'Survivor' from when I was 5.
Kh-"Demiiii. You were so cute!"
H-"the talent!"
D-"This is too embarrassing."
I hid my face in Kelly R's chest.
We calm down then Simon's says.
S-"Does anyone want to watch a movie?"
We all agree and the boys try to argue and make us watch a horror, we cave in and Louis immediately starts looking through the horror movies on Netflix. We all settle on 'Hush'. I am absolutely fucking terrified but I don't want Niall to think I'm weak and can't even sit through a fucking horror movie. I look to me left to see Niall's terrified face and he keeps flinching back.

A gun shot goes off and we both jump back and somehow me end up practically on top of each other. I couldn't care less through I was fucking terrified. I love his warm embrace, and I get scared again and hide my face in the creek of his neck. I feel safe and I love the feeling of his warm, muscular arms around me.

**Simon's POV**
The movies over and I look over at Demi and Niall to find Demi asleep with her head buried into his neck on top of Niall, and Niall asleep with his arms around Demi, resting his head on top of hers.
S-"Should we wake them up?"
They silently sneak over and take a picture on their phones.
S-"Personally I think they are too young for this, they are to close,"
KR-"What the hell, so many kids at there age are out getting high and drunk, and you think that them cuddling is inappropriate? This is literally the most innocent thing I have ever seen! How cute!"
Kh-"Better than what I was doing at that age.."

Everyone laughs, I really can't help the fact that I feel I have to protect Demi at all costs.

We all stay up chatting, then end up dozing off.

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