Chapter 18- I Miss Our Late Night Texts

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**Demi's POV**
Everyone is chatting away and I look to my right to see Niall just sitting there not saying anything.

D-"Hey Ni, you ok?"
N-"I mean if I was talking to anyone else, I would lie and say no, but you can read me like a book and honestly I feel like I can really trust you with anything."
D-"Of coarse! I am always here for you and if you wanna talk, feel free as I just want the best for you Nialler."
N-"Thanks, it means a lot" we smile at each other and go in for a hug.

**Niall's POV**
I'm really upset, I haven't been speaking to Demi as much, and I feel like she is hiding something from me when she always talks about how important it is to get your emotions out, she doesn't.

The reason why we've not been taking as much is because she broke her phone, so we've called a lot through Simons phone. But it's not the same, I miss our late night texts and when we're bored to just randomly text each other. That feeling when you get a notification from 'Dems<3'. She said she has just been 'caught up in work' and 'to busy' to go get a new phone and she said she misses our late night texts to.
So I went out and got her a new phone, however I don't want to give it to her in front of all the other judges. So, I need to get her alone.

**Demi's POV**
N-"I need to give you something, can we find a way to get out of here for just a second before the food comes?" I have absolutely no idea what Niall is on about, and I don't know if I should be scared or excited.
D-"Umm.. yeah of coarse, just pretend you're going to the bathroom or something. It may seem slightly suspicious that we're gone at the same time but.. oh well. I'll go first then wait like a minute or something then go," I laugh.
I get up to leave and Kelly C looks at me,
KC-"Where are you going?"
D-"Just to the bathroom."
KC-"Oh, Ok! Do you want me to come with you?"
D-"Nah I'm good,"
KC-"Ok see you in a second."
I walk off and wait outside the restaurant for Niall, It's a lovely place with a beach and a great view outside.

I see Niall coming towards me and we both sit on the edge of the stones by the beach.
N-"I hate how we haven't been in touch as much recently. I keep reaching for my phone and pressing on your name about to text you then remember that you don't have your phone, it's just become a habit. And I thought of a great idea." He pulled out a cuboid shaped wrapped box with a bow on it. At first I thought it might be a phone, then I realised that nobody would ever spend that much money on ME.

I give him a smile and delicately remove the ribbon. I slide of the wrapping paper to see a white box with a silver Apple logo on it. My mouth is wide open and I look at Niall.
N-"Open it!" He says very excitedly.
I open the box to see a new iPhone in it! I give Niall a big hug and I don't let go.
D-"Nialler! This is amazing. This is way to expensive though, can I pay you back?"
N-"No Dems! This is my treat to you I insist! You don't need to pay me back!"
D- Aww Ni this is the most thoughtful thing anyone's ever done for me! I appreciate this so much thank you so much!" I say with a tear brimming my eye. We let go from the hug and I'm smiling very wide.
N-"Aww, your welcome! I love seeing you so happy. You should smile more often, it looks good on you." I look down and blush.
N-"Seriously, I love seeing you this happy. Now look on the back of the phone," I flip the phone over to see 'Stay Strong For Me My Love-Nialler<3' engraved on the back, I feel wetness on my cheek, but I don't care.
D-"Ni this means the absolute world to me, it's so.. Perfect. I couldn't ask for more in a best friend!" I pull him in for another hug.
N-"I've already set it up for you with the apps I know you use, and me number, the other boys numbers and the judges numbers."
D-"This is overwhelming I, I love you so much,"
N-"I love you too Dems" (in a friend way there not quite there yet ahah)
D-"We should probably go in, we've been out here for a while,"
N-"Yeah probably," we laugh and walk into the restaurant with Niall's arm round my neck, but he quickly removes it when we walk to the table. We sit down and everyone just looks at us strangely, shit. We just walked straight in at the same time. Idiots.

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