Chapter 28- Pressure

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**Demi's POV**
Everyone who is modelling the clothing are all standing in a huddle in front of the producer. He's explaining some stuff that I don't understand, I'll just ask Khloé what he was going on about after.

I was hating every second of this, both of my arms were covering my stomach, and luckily I put a shit tonne on makeup on my wrists this morning. I topped it up in the bathroom. I feel like somebody is watching me, I slowly turn my head and Kylie is giving me the dirtiest stare ever. I don't get what's up with that girl.

The director finally stopped talking and called Kim, Kourtney, Kylie and Kendall first. I glance over at Khloé and there is so much hurt in her face. They all take a few photos together, then they call over Khloé. When he finishes with the sisters, he takes everyone individually, I think for the website. I'm practically shitting myself. I try and take my mind off it be my taking out my phone and going on snapchat.

It's Khloé's individual shot and I take a snap of the camera screen and send it to our group chat with all the girls. After Khloé finishes, she walks over to me.

Kh-"Nobody wants me to do this shoot." She says almost in tears.
D-"They do- come here" I pull her in for a hug.
D-"You honestly look absolutely stunning."
Kh-"Nobody else thinks so, Kim was trying to make sure I wasn't involved in the shoot."
D-"I don't know why the fuck she was doing that, but you definitely proved her wrong and fucking rocked that shoot."
Kh-"thank you so much Dems, you excited?"
D-"Not in the slightest."
Kh-"I'm sorry about my fucking sister who pressured you into this, I'm going to go talk to her to see if I can get you out of this, okay?"
D-"Don't feel you have to, but thank you so much I love you." And I gave her a hug.
Kh-"No, I'll do anything for you, let me go talk to her."
D-"Thank you so much."

**Khloé's POV**
I walk over to Kim who is with the director.

Di- Director
Kh-"Kim, Demi really doesn't want to do this, she felt pressured into it, she's only 15 she doesn't really turn any offers down. Are you okay for her to not do this?"
Di-"Absolutely not! She is the one person who I pushed to do this! She is perfect for it! This is just a confidence thing, and this will help her get over it."
Ki-"I mean.. I don't really get to decide who does it."
Di-"Can you please call her over." I call her name and she starts walking over and I grab her hand.
Di-"Why don't you want to do this?"
D-"I- umm, kinda want to just stick to singing, and I honestly don't think I should model for this, it will probably put people off from buying it." She looks down.
Di-"This is a great opportunity and if you take it, you might get more jobs and it will open up your business . This will also help your branding for your music, that's why so many singers do shoots like this, to promote their music. This is completely a confidence thing, we wouldn't have offered for to to do this if we thought you would 'put people off' buying our clothing. Please take it."
Kh-"Let me talk to her for a second,"

I pull her aside and Kim comes too.
Kh-"He's completely trying to make you do this, but are you sure you want to?"
D-"I- uhh, don't know. Is it hot in here?" She starts fanning herself and is very short of breath.

I quickly take her out of the building for fresh air. I sit her on my lap and put my hand on her heart.
Kh-"Match my breathing, it's okay, focus on breathing," I soothe her until she's calmed down, I didn't know she got panic attacks.
D-"Everyone would be so disappointed if I didn't do this. I'll do it."
Kh-"Are you sure you're doing this because you want to do it, or because you feel pressured?"
D-"Both, it's okay."

We go back in and we sit until her name is called.
"Demi Lovato?"

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