Chapter 53- Its Official

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**Demi's POV**
I put my clothes on and so does Niall.
N-"Um, Dem? You should maybe try to tame your hair, you've got proper sex hair going on." He says with a chuckle.
D-"Horan, you can't say much, your hair is pointing in all different directions!"
He sorts out his hair and I sneak out of the room to the bathroom. I tame my hair in the mirror and try to get my glowing grin off my face, I have to act normal.

We both walk down the stairs and out the front door, sneaking back round the side to everyone else.
B-"Dem, where have you been?" She looks to the side and sees Niall next to me.
D-"We were just round the front, discussing a few things." Niall squeezes my hand then goes off to find others.
B-"Dem what happened!" She says all excited.
D-"He asked me to be his girlfriend." I say with a stupid smile on my face.
B-"Aww you guys are so cute!" Well, we wouldn't be so cute if she knew what we did.

We went off the find the rest of the girls.
KC-"Where have you been?
Kh-"Yeah, I couldn't see you."
KR-"Were you with Niall.."
D-"We were just stood out the front of the house, he kinda, uhh, asked me to be his girlfriend.."
KC-"Awwww how cute!"
KR-"Aww little cuties!"
Kh-"Is that all?" She winks. I go a deep shade of pink.
D-"Yes Khloé."
Kh-"Really, did you kiss?"
D-"Maybe.." Khloé squeals
Kh-"Like make out?"
D-"No! We were just round the front, we can't do that is public!"
KR-"Were you really just round the front?"
D-"Yes. Why are you questioning me?"
KR-"Just making sure."
KC-"Your hair looks great Dem, it has so much volume. What did you do differently?" She thinks she's changing the subject. She's really not. It took all my power to not burst out laughing. I couldn't completely tame my layered blonde hair.
D-"Just a new shampoo. I'll show you it when we get home." I'm very good at lying.

We all party with the rest of the contestants. Everyone is pretty drunk, and I just want a drink. I go and get a cup to pour coke into, I look around and see everyone distracted so I pour a shit tonne of vodka into the cup. I take a sip and close my eyes, enjoying the taste of the strong alcohol. I make my way over to the others and we all drink and party till we get going, we have work tomorrow, it's the 2nd live shows.

We all get in the taxi and get home. Me and Niall head upstairs, I think he's drunk too. We go to the bathroom, because it has a lock. He pins me up against the wall and we start making out. We hear a knock.
S-"Demi are you in there?"
D-"Yeah I'm in the bathroom Simon leave me alone!"
S-"Sorry just wondering were you are, I'm gonna go find Niall."
I whisper to Niall,
D-"Shit. Ni you might have to go out the window."

I try to continue my sentence but I dash to the toilet and start throwing up.
N-"Aw shit Dem," he pulls my hair back.
N-"Hey, you okay? I'm gonna try and make my way out the window, and you go out to Simon."

Niall gets up on the window cill and I see him climb his way to the ground.

I open the bathroom door and see Simon standing there.
S-"Hey I just wanted to ask if you, Niall, Louis or Harry had alcohol because, well obviously it's illegal."
D-"No I didn't, I don't think they did either."

I stumble to my room and go to sleep, long day tomorrow.

KR-"Dem, wake up." My eyes flutter open.
KR-"We're leaving in 20 minut- Dem what the fuck is that?" She says pointing at my neck, shit I've got a hickey.
D-"I-uh walked into a door,"
KR-"Dem you're 15!"
KC-"What's going on in here?"
KR-"Demi got a hicke-" Kelly R turns around to see Kelly C and SIMON standing there.
KR-"A- hockey ball to the neck?"
S-"What the fuck? That's a,"
KC-"Yeah, big deal Simon, she got a hickey."
S-"From who!?"
KR-"Oh, I forgot, you don't know.."
S-"Don't know what?"
KR-"Demi and Niall are a thing.."
S-"And you guys left them alone together!?"
KR-"No we didn't, wait. When did this happen Demi?"
D-"Uh, last night."
KR-"Nah shit, when last night?"
D-"I don't know, now can everyone get out so I can get ready."

They all leave so I can get ready. Why are they all so disappointed in me, I always disappoint everyone.

A/N - Thank you guys so much you got me to 5k views on this story🥺 I'm so thankful for all of you guys. I thought I'd tell you, I've started writing a new book! This one is coming to an end soon and you'll find out about the new book in later chapters. I'm so excited for itttt. Thank you guys so much for the support I couldn't have done this without you.

Also I wanted to thank oneofdemiswarriors for being so supportive of my story, you should go read their 2 books, my favourite story rn X Factor/Dimon Oneshots, and also check out Undying Love. 🥰

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