Chapter 49- I Love You

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**Demi's POV**
I open the door and see Niall walking towards it. I launch myself into his arms.
D-"Hey NiNi."
N-"Hey Demsy."

We make our way over to his car. We sit down and he looks at me.
N-"So, where do we want to go?"
D-"Whatever we do we can always come back here and just chill out."

We go to the mall and look around, honestly Niall hates to admit it, but he quite likes fashion and stuff like that. He always helps me find clothing and I do the same for him. By this point it's 4pm and we decide to get something to eat then go back to mine. We go get a table in Nando's.
N-"Dem what are you gonna get?"
D-"I think.. the chicken burger. What about you?"
N-"I'm getting the same but with peri-peri fries."

I am reluctant to order a burger, but it's only chicken, chicken has barely any fat.

But you'll still get fat from it.

Me and Niall speak until they come with our food. I reluctantly eat, I feel Niall's eyes on me. We haven't really spoken about my whole ED thing, we kinda moved past it but he definitely hasn't forgotten.

I eat most of my burger and my demons are fucking screaming at me. I eat all my side salad too. I am honestly proud of myself for eating all that but my demons certainly aren't. I feel heavier and I don't like it.
D-"Ni I'll be right back I'm just gonna go to the bathr-" I feel his hand on my knee.
N-"No you're not, I- just uhhh, stay here for a minute, I'll get the bill then we can leave." I pull out my purse,
N-"D don't worry I've got it." I try to make him let me pay, but he wins.

We go back to the car, and start driving back to my place.
N-"Wait Dem are they okay with me coming over?"
D-"Yeah, they suggested it. And they all love you, last time you were over Kris said you can come over whenever you would like." I say with a giggle.

We walk thought the door and I take his hand trying to get upstairs without bumping into Kim or Kourt, because they want to 'try to not be embarrassing' and to do that they'll probably be more embarrassing than ever.
Ki-"Hey Dem, Hey Niall,"
D-"Bye Kim." I quickly continue up the stairs.
Ki-"D I'm not THAT embarrassing, am I Niall?"
N-"No, you're not as bad as Kourtney."
Ki-"YES! Did you hear that Dem! You better say I win." I just walk faster.

We go into my room. I normally stay in Khloé's room, but I do have my own room here. It's where I write music and play guitar and piano. We both sit on the bed.

We are just talking and Niall says out of nowhere,
N-"Dem, I love you,"
D-"Ni I love you too?"
N-"No like, I actually love you, I was debating if I should actually say anything, but I feel I just had to."
D-"Really? Why me? I'm-"

He cuts me off by smashing his lips onto mine. I kiss back leaning slightly on him. He falls back onto the bed and I'm on top of him. I feel his tung tap against my bottom lip, asking to get in. It gets quite intense and we're both out of breath,
Ki-"Dem I was wond- Demi!" I fall to Niall's side and don't make eye contact with her.
Ki-"How long has, uh this been going on?" She points between the two of us.
D-"Uh just, um today."
Ki-"Khloé!" She calls Khloé through, I whisper to Niall,
D-"Ah shit." He just chuckles.
N-"It's not your fault your family is doing this, I started it."

Kh-"Yeah Kim?"
Ki-"Guess what I just found these two doing?"
Kh-"Are they finally together?"
Ki-"Well I mean they were making out so I guess so!"
Kh-"Kim chill it's about time." I bury my head in my hands.
Ki-"So you're okay with this!"
Kh-"You're such a hypocrite Kim at their age you had a sex tape out, all they were doing is making out. Look, they're fully clothed."
Ki-"but who knows what would of happened if I didn't walk in?!"
Kh-"You did, so chill."
Ki-"When I tell mom I bet she'll be pissed."
Kh-"Probably not, she dealt with you and me! Maybe a little because she treats Demi like a baby, but she won't be that pissed."
D-"Woah, woah. Who said we're telling Kris."
Ki-"I'm gonna."
Kh-"Why? Your such a suck up Kim."

I take Niall's hand and push past them and go downstairs to sit in the living room.
D-"Sorry, that was just really awkward and we were both lying on a bed which made it even more awkward."

Niall has to go to the studio so I say bye to him and he heads off.

We hear footsteps again, I just groan and see Kim, Khloé and now apparently Kourtney. Shit Kourtneys gonna react worse than Kim.

We all settle and get comfortable in the living room.
D-"Woah, chill."
Ko-"Fucking chill? You were practically fucking Niall on your bed!"
Kh-"Kourt not fucking, making out and fucking are two very different things."
Ko-"Whatever. She's WAY to young for this. She's just turning into a slut."

Patrick-"Demetria toughen up you little slut."

His words keep ringing in my ears. I want to curl up in a ball and cover my ears, but they'd think I'm weirder than I already am.

Kh-"Dem, Demi, DEMI, DEMETRIA?" She says clicking in my face.
Kh-"You okay babygirl?"

Khloé pulls my by the wrist out of the living room and up to her room. I yelp at the contact of my wrist and she sympathetically looks at me and changes where she grips me.

Kh-"What up? Why did you zone out?"
D-"Just a flashback, it isn't important."
Kh-"Dem just get it off your chest, you can tell me,"
D-"Uhh, when Kourtney called me a slut, I- uh, had a flashback from a couple days ago when. P-Patrick said "Demetria toughen up you little slut." A-and it wouldn't stop repeating in my head,"

Khloé looks shocked and pulls me into her embrace. I start sobbing, then she starts rubbing circles on my back and I start properly crying.

Koutney and Kim come in.
Ko-"Khloé you can't always let her of f the hook so easily!" She notices me crying and rolls her eyes.
Ko-"What, so she's just gonna cry so we stop going off on her!? Fucking pathetic. It's not our fault you're acting like a slut."

"Demetria toughen up you little slut."
"Demetria toughen up you little slut."
"Demetria toughen up you little slut."

I cry harder when she says slut, maybe Patrick is right. Maybe I am just a slut.

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