Chapter 15- Does Kelly C Know?

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**Demi's POV**
Kelly C takes my hand and leads me out of the room, when the door opens a feel a 3 pairs of arms engulf me in a massive hug. I realise in still holding Kelly's hand and I was squeezing it. She squeezes it back, everyone's arms around me felt slightly overwhelming but I loved the feeling of knowing people love me.

Kelly started rubbing circles on my back and I found it very calming, why do they care?

They don't.
There trying to be nice to the ugly wale.
They don't care.

I found myself believing the demons and I didn't know what to do. I tried so hard to keep the tears in but they were flowing freely down my face by this point. The group hug ended, and they realised I was crying.

Kelly C noticed and quickly picked me up and sat down with me on her lap.

You're going to crush her.
Get off..
Your too fat for this.

I try to shuffle of Kelly's lap but she just holds me tighter. How has she not lifted me off yet? Oh, it's because I'm to heavy for this.
"I-I..I'm c-crushing" I mumble hoping nobody heard me.

Kelly C burst into tears, I'm presuming she heard me... Everyone looks confused but I just feel bab for making her cry. I apologise over and over again and I realised I should get off her so she can breathe.

Too fat for this.
Try harder to loose a few hundred pounds.

I start trying to get off her and I hear her whisper
KC- "sweetie, p-please stay in my arms, you're worryingly light. yyou have an eati-"
D- "No! N-n-nnoo." I say looking down.
KC- "D-Dem?"
D- "No I d-don't,"
Kelly hugged her tighter and stayed there until I calmed down. I was calm when I heard the door open and my eyes met with Niall's. My head sprung up so he didn't think I was too weird by lying on Kelly. Kelly looks at my weird, then looks at Niall and starts chuckling. My cheeks went a rosey colour and I went over to greet Niall. All of the others were saying hi to the other boys so I did the same.
S-"Hey guys I booked a table for all of us to go to a restaurant to just grab a bite to eat. Everyone up for it?"

Everyone nods, oh no I don't want to eat food in front of everyone, the girls know about my ED and Kelly C suspects it. Great.
S-"I've booked for the cabs to arrive in like an hour. And I have an announcement at dinner. See you guys then."
We all went off to get ready and we all met outside to get in the cabs.

OMG GUYS THIS BOOK MADE IT TO 1K VIEWS!!! It may not seem like a lot but for me, this is a big achievement! Thank you guys so much and I love that everyone's commenting and telling me about how much they love this book. I really appreciate it xxxx

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