Chapter 4- Re-Connection

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**Demi's POV**
It's been a week since One Direction preformed on X factor. I haven't spoken to Niall since, it's killing me! I have picked up my phone everyday about to text Niall, but I guess Niall just doesn't like me as much as I thought..

**Niall's POV**
I miss Demi so much! I'm not the same without her! I'm not and never was or will date Selena. I wish whoever edited that photo of us would just say it was them, but I've thought of a way to prove it was photoshopped, I just need to find the original photo!
I just found the picture and ironically it's me and Demi kissing.. I can't wait for her to see this!

**Demi's POV**
I was at the X factor with the other judges and I looked at my phone, I HAD A TEXT FROM NIALL! I sprung up from my chair, everyone was staring at me but I didn't care! I went outside the room.

We need to talk..-N
Yeah, r u free now to call?-D
Yeah, aren't u at the X factor tho?-N
Yeah I am but we r on a break rn,-D
**On the call**
Hey guess what!!-N
What is it Niall!-D
I found the original photo so it proves the photo of me and Selena was photoshopped! The original photo is of us!-N
Oh god! Now I feel terrible! I'm so sorry Niall! Can you please forgive me?-D *nearly in tears*
Of coarse I can Dems, do you want to meet up after you've finished up at the X factor?-N
Of coarse! Sorry I have to go, but I'll see you later?-D
Yeah, bye!-N
Sorry for the short chapter, please comment and tell me how to improve, and if I should continue this story, and if you need to talk me dms are open x

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