Chapter 6-Stuck in my Old Ways

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**Demi's POV**
God! I can't believe they got in, this is the one thing I wanted to keep to myself and make sure nobody gets involved! How can I be so stupid to let this happen. It wasn't really my fault though...
"Of course it's your fault Demetria! It's always your fault!"
"Your just weak!"
"Why can't you keep one simple thing to your self Demetria!"
It all got way to much for me to handle and I covered my ears and ended up rocking back and forth, hyperventilating. God! Why am I such a screw up! Suddenly I heard Kelly's voice snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Babygirl, why?" Kelly said on the verge of crying. She calmly pulled me onto her lap.
"Demetria your to fat for this!"
"You'll crush her Demetria!"
"Get off!"
"She can't breath!"
I quickly scramble off her and whisper to myself "you'll crush her, you'll crush her," it was barely audible, but just loud enough for everyone to hear.

**Kelly's POV**
I burst into tears, how can she think she is fat? My babygirl, broken, shattered, but fixable. Crush me? She's severely underweight and by this point it is pretty dangerous, as soon as the others notice me crying, I'm lead out by Paulina trying to comfort me, I just want my babygirl..

**Demi's POV**
She left, why am I such a disappointment, I'm unfixable, and there is no denying it.

**Britney's POV**
I'm just watching this all unfold, I am stunned that Demi would do this, but honestly I find it kinda triggering because she reminds me of when I was her age, and it frightening,(I know Britney didn't go through what Demi went through, but for this story, she did😂) I've always taken it upon myself to watch out for the people I care about and make sure this doesn't happen to any of them, I failed, but worst of all I didn't just fail myself. I failed Demi.

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