Chapter 41- The Gangs Back Together

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A/N- Sorry but how cute was she^^
And I've kinda fucked with 1Ds ages-
Niall- 16

**Demi's POV**
Let me explain how the live shows work- all the judges and hosts stay in a villa/house from Monday-Friday then we go back to our own places for Saturday and Sunday. I will be staying with the Kardashians because Dallas' acting coach job has been extended, with I am so excited and proud of her for, but they have to stay out there. Which, honestly, I quite like. My mom hasn't been the same since my dad left, she drinks quite a lot and in my opinion is depressed. Dallas helps her so much, they are practically inseparable, but since I'm away so much my mom has kinda pushed me away, with the Kardashians I think I'm practically apart of their family, and they think of me as apart of it too.
Me and Khloé grab our suitcases and walk to the rest of the family. We say goodbye and hug them. When I hug Kris she whispers in my ear,
Kr-"Sweetie if you need anything, don't be afraid to call. Even if you just want to talk please know you can call me."
D-"Thank you so much, love you."
Kr-"Love you too."

We walk out to the car and shove our suitcases in the trunk and the driver makes his way to the airport. It's just a small plane journey, it only takes like 45 minutes. We get on the private plane with Simon, Kelly C, Kelly R, Britney, and all of 1D. We all mess around until we land, and make our way to the house.

We walk into the house, it's massive, with 15 bedrooms, a giant kitchen and a massive living room. It also has a massive pool outside.
KR-"Holy shit this place is amazing! We need to go in the pool later!"
S-"We have the day off today, but we're working tomorrow so don't get to pissed and drink too much, oh god you'll all be so hungover tomorrow," we all laugh, "Except Demi, Niall, Louis and Harry! I swear if you guys have any fucking alcohol I'll beat your asses!" We all laugh.
S-"Just a few ground rules, no destroying anything, just basically don't do anything stupid, and try not to leave any of the younger kids alone in a bedroom together, I think you know where I'm going with this.."

We take our stuff upstairs to our rooms and unpack, thank god we've got our own rooms. I go on my phone after unpacking everything and see a new news article..

Disney starlet Demi Lovato, 15, cutting? The current X Factor judge caught strolling with her supposed new beau Niall Horan from the boy an One Direction. The Skyscraper singer was photographed holding a Starbucks cup with her bracelets slipped down exposing multiple faint red lines. Do you think the pressure got to young Lovato or these are just bracelet marks?

 Do you think the pressure got to young Lovato or these are just bracelet marks?

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I don't know what the fuck to do, all I can do is cry. Everyone will see this. Kelly C, Kelly R, Britney and Simon know, but that's it. Not my family, not the Kardashians, and not fucking Niall. All my chances are gone with him, he'll think I'm a fucked up weirdo that cuts themselves for attention, when attention is the last thing I wanted.

I'm balling my eyes out and Niall quickly opens the door and quickly closes it. He rushes to my side and just pulls me closer to him. I continue crying, I just can't stop.
N-"Shhhh, it's okay."
D-"S-S-S-Sorry." I mumble out making myself cry even harder.
N-"Dem-Dem, you don't need to apologise, I just wish you told me, I would have tried to help you sooner."
D-"D-Do you hate me?"
N-"I could never hate you, you mean too much to me. It breaks my heart to see you go through this, but it just motivates me to try and help more. I love you Dem, I will never, ever hate you." He pulls me closer into his chest and kisses me on the head. We stay like this for a while, but neither of us mind. I love the feeling I get when I'm with him, a sense of safeness and love. Something that I have lacked for the longest time.
D-"Ni-Ni, I don't want you to feel like you are obligated to help me, I-"
N-"No, no, no. Don't worry about that, you are my everything Dem, and I'll do anything for you." I let a few tears slip and I realise his white tshirt is soaking and has mascara all over it.
D-"Oh my god Niall I'm so sorry about your tshirt."
N-"Don't worry I've got so many plain white tshirts, don't worry." I just snuggle into his chest. I hear the door open.
S-"D what's taking you so lon-" ah shit.
D-"Simon we were just talking,"
S-"In each other's arms? I don't think so." Since Niall's begins me, he whispers in my ear without Simon noticing.
N-"Just tell him about the article and say I was comforting you."
D-"I can't"

**Simon's POV**
I'm fucking RAGING. My little Demi, having sex? I know our relationship is weird, but it's like father daughter. I can't even imagine it. Little 15 year old Demi? No way.

I continue screaming at them then walk over and grab Demi by the wrist and pull her out of the room. She winces when I take her wrist, is she still self harming again? I put that to the back of my head and continue pulling her by her wrist downstairs and into the living room area where everyone is chilling out on the sofas.

They seem like they are really worried and talking about something really serious, but I just interrupt it and start speaking.
S-"Guess where I just found this little shit? Yup, all snuggled up to Niall in her room." I look over at her and she's looking at the floor with tears falling. Why the fuck is she crying?

**Demi's POV**
I glance up at Khloé and she runs up to me and pulls me into a massive hug.
Kh-"D why didn't you tell me?" She says crying.
D-"I'm so sorry."
Kh-"Don't be sorry babygirl, we'll help you through this."
Niall sneaks in and sits on the sofa with the other 1D boys. And I just cling onto Khloé like my life depends on it.

A/N- I just wrote a oneshot with Demi and and the JoBros! It has stuff from SWAC too, I'd love it if you guys went to go check it out x

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