Chapter 45- I Thought You Cared

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**Demi's POV**
None of my girls were eliminated! For the next 3 days we all only film for one day, while coaching our acts.

Me, Simon and Kelly C are tomorrow, then Kelly R and Britney are the day after.
Me, Simon, Kelly C, Niall and Louis are all sitting on the sofas.
D-"On Thursday I have to go out to the studio to record my new song, so I'll work tomorrow then I'll have to go to the studio because my team is being so fucking annoying."
KC-"Oh my god can I come with you?"
D-"That would be great! Only if you want to though."
KC-"Great I have nothing else to do so I might as well,"
S-"What song are you recording?"
D-"My team are making me record that song that was leaked by Kylie, I don't want to do it but they said it's the best thing I can do to get rid of the video online."
Everyone else walks in. And we all just chat for a while.

Producer-"Demi, Simon, Kelly R, Louis and Niall we need you for an interview!"
Ah shit. I work myself up and feel a hand on my back.
N-"Dem, it's okay try not to work yourself up,"

We make our way over to the seats. It's just a line of seats and the interviewer is behind the camera. I'm in the middle between Simon and Niall, I'm so happy I'm next to Niall because he knows I'm scared about this.
I - Interviewer
I-"We are here with some of the cast of the hit talent singing show, The X Factor US! We have Simon Cowell, Demi Lovato, Kelly Rowland, Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson!"
The interviewer asks us about the talent in this season and out categories.
I-"So Niall, Louis when should we expect to hear new music from 1D?"
L-"In the work's currently, you guys should hopefully hear some now content soon!"
I-"Kelly, anything new for you?"
KR-"I've got a new album with Destiny's Child coming out soon, and my own single coming out as well."
I-"Demi, you started off being a bit more pop-rock then moved to pop and we've heard a lot of R&B from you more recently. What should we expect from the new album?"
D-"My new album is called Unbroken, it's very different to my other albums like Get Back and Here We Go Again because like you said there is a lot more R&B on this track, but I do have a few things that would be considered pop so I couldn't just put it in one category."
He asks more things about the X Factor that Simon mainly answers.
I-"How are the panel and presenters getting on, do you all get along?"
KR-"Well I'm speaking for me, but all 5 of us girls are so frickin close, we tell each other everything. I'm so pleased that we all get along so well."
S-"Yeah I mainly hang out with 1D and of course they all get along like brothers and we're with the girls all the time. We're all really close."
I-"Any more romantic relationships with anyone, because there's been quite a few rumours." I feel Simon nudge me.
S-"I mean I don't think so but there's definitely crushes."
I-"I'm just gonna say it, so you can debunk the Demi-Niall rumours?"
N-"I don't know why everyone thinks we're dating, Demi's my best friend."
I-"Okay.. Well I was asked to ask you Demi about the recent articles, true or false.
D-"False, only people who wear things like gummy bracelets will understand the way they dig in to your wrists." I feel Niall's grip on my hand increase.
He asks more stuff about 1D until he finally finishes up. We start walking back to the dressing room, and I feel an arm slide over my shoulder.
N-"See D, it wasn't that bad was it?"
D-"Yeah I don't know why they didn't push me to say more."
N-"I possibly had a word with them before we filmed.." He said with a smirk on his face. I look at his in disbelief,
D-"No fucking way! Thank you so much you're the best friend anybody could ever ask for!"

I launch myself at him and give him a massive hug. I then feel the back of my legs being lifted up and all of a sudden he was carrying me in his arms laughing.
D-"Niall! Put me downnn." I say struggling to breathe from laughing so much.
N-"Sure," He puts me down on a sofa and tickles me until I can't breathe.
D-"Ni-Ni-Niall s-sto-op" I say in between my laughter.
N-"Only if you... say.. I'm the best member of One Direction."
D-"Ni that's easy you're the best member of One Direction."
N-"Your right that was too easy, say... fuck it." He just continued tickling me than sat next to me.
N-"Dem, you know your perfect right?" I look down in disbelief.
N-"No Dem, I mean it."
D-" Why are you doing this Ni?"

I've told Niall everything, well, everything but my eating disorder. I think he suspects it, but like Kylie said, I'm not skinny enough to have an eating disorder.
N-"Dem, you're so light,"
D-"No I'm not, I-"
N-"Dem when's the last time you ate?"
N-"No you didn't, we all had breakfast and you went to your room and said you had to take a call."
D-"Sorry it must of been dinner last night,"
N-"DD no you didn't."
D-"Y-yeah I did."
N-"Dem you didn't and you ate one piece of lettuce, then threw the salad away."
N-"Yes, I was paying attention, you mixed it around then ate one piece then threw it away. Can you tell me what's going on here?"
D-"N-nothing I-" I put my head in my hands and Niall pulls me into a hug.
N-"DD a-are yo-" I cut him off my nodding my head.
D-"I'm sorry,"
N-"Demsy w-why didn't you tell me? I thought you could trust me? This has happened so many times Demi!" I back up a bit hearing him raise his voice.
N-"Demi I'm sorry I-"
D-"Niall, no need, if this has happened 'so many times' don't worry, you don't have to deal with my shit anymore, sorry I thought you cared."

I stomp off and hear Niall behind me, I quickly turn the corner and see him going in the opposite direction calling my name.

I quickly continue down the corridor and bump into a tall, slender man. I look up in Disbelief.



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How the fuck is MY story no.1 in #BRITNEYSPEARS? How the hell did this happen?! Thank y'all😭🥺

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