A/N - Book Recommendations

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So I just posted a chapter, I gave a shoutout at the end but I wanted to share a few stories I'm reading right now and recommend,

My 2 favourites right now are oneofdemiswarriors 'Dimon/X Factor Oneshots' and Demzz_pickle 'Believe In Me'. All of these are X Factor based which is so great because I swear nobody writes about the X Factor US anymore and I love it sm.

oneofdemiswarriors also has another really good book called 'Undying Love' which is a Dimon story.

Also I love dreamin247 'Surviving the Quarantine', it's a Dax story.

And a story I've been following for a long time is Lovatic-02 Nemi series, she's writing the 5th book now called 'Unforgettable'. And she has a new nemi book out called 'I Hate You, Don't Leave Me' and it's really good too.

Lastly, dimonfanin2020 just started 2 books, one called 'Through Thick and Thin', and another called 'Dimon Little Stories' and they're both really good so far.

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