Chapter 19- Suspicious

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**Kelly R's POV**
Demi and Niall both leave practically at the same time and I'm slightly suspicious of why they just left.
KR-"What do you guys think they are doing?"
Kh-"well, I think we all know what I think they are doing.."
B-"Not what's happening Khlo!"
S-"Ew don't even go there! They're young!" The 1D boys are just laughing.
Kh-"But not too young," she says quietly making everyone laugh.
B-"Do you guys have any idea what they're doing? Has Niall mentioned anything?" She asks the 1D boys.
Lo-"Not that I know of.."
H-"I don't think so"
Li-"Niall does have a cr-"
Z-"Crap cold! He has a crap cold," and he kicks Liam under the table for nearly revealing Niall's secret.
P-"Umm, okay? Just wondering, does Niall, have a.. crush on Demi?"
H-"Well, does Demi have a crush on Niall?"
P-"We, uhhh.. We asked first!"
H-"We can't say anything, we are not conforming or denying this, does Demi?"
P-"We're not conforming or denying either." Everyone laughs knowing they definitely like each other.
S-"I think they are too young for this, They are still young and innocent and might just be friends," Simon says, he probably just doesn't want Demi to grow up, Demi and him have a bit of a Father-Daughter relationship.
Kh-"Yeah Simon keep believing that.."
KR-"How about me and the other Kelly go and check what they're up to, we'll make sure they don't see us though." I think we should see what they're up to, I bet nothings doing on but they are just so bloody adorable.
KC-"Lets do it,"

We walk into the reception and we see them through the glass doors, They are hugging and Demi had wrapping paper and a box in front of her.
KR-"Aww Niall got her a present!"
KC-"They are so cute, they really are perfect for each other." We head back to the table and tell the others.

**Demi's POV**
We get back to the table and everyone is staring at us.
KC-"So.. where did you guys go?"
D-"I got too hot since it's quite stuffy in here and I wanted fresh air so Niall came with me.."
KR-"Ok." She smiles wide and everyone else starts talking until the food arrived.

A few waiters approached the table with our food. They place it down and I try to look presentable but on the inside all I can hear is
You can't eat that
You'll gain 20 pounds
Your fat enough
Don't eat it

And honestly I can't take it anymore but surely enough, I reach out for me burger and pick it up. Everyone else has eaten like half of their meals and I haven't gained the courage to take one bite. I bring it towards my mouth and take a bite. It's like a burning sensation down my throat, it feels like there's something coming up but I just have to swallow that down as well.

I already feel like I'm 5 pounds heavier. I have to keep reminding myself that I'll purge after. I make it through just over half of the burger, most of the salad, and the fries just add unnecessary calories.

Kelly C looks at me weird.
KC-"Is that really all you are going to eat?"
D-"Yeah... I-I had a big lunch."
KC-"No, you had no lunch, I was with you. And before you say you had a big breakfast I was with you too. Now what's ACTUALLY going on?"
D-"N-N-Nothing I'm just not too hungry. I be right back I'm just going to go to the bathroom real quick."
**Kelly C's POV**
Demi hasn't even touched her plate yet. We're all like half done. I see her shaking hand reach out and grab her burger, she takes the smallest bite I've ever seen. She eats practically nothing by the end then tells me she's going to the bathroom.
N-"Hey umm Kelly just wondering what's up with her? She just.. I don't know she seemed off while eating dinner."
KC-"Yeah I know she is acting odd that's what I'm trying to get to the bottom of as well." I look over at Kelly to see tears rolling down her cheeks. Simon just decides to join in our conversation.
S-"She's acting really weird, maybe Kelly you should speak to her."
KC-"Yeah I might follow her so I don't embarrass her in front of everyone else."
I walk over to the other Kelly and pull her outside.
KC-"Hey, you o- hey come here" she started crying harder so I pulled her in for a hug.
KR-"I-I jjust love her so much, she's like a y-younger sister to me, I can tell she's s-suffering and I hate seeing her like this."
KC-"Shes so young as well, I don't know why, I haven't known her for long but we, as you two have, a special bond, maybe it's because she looked up to me, but I just felt an instant need to protect her."
KR-"I know exactly what you mean, I felt the same way when I met her, it's why we're so close. I see the way she looks at you, she definitely looks for strength in you and it's beautiful."
KC-"We definitely have a strong bond with her."
KC-"I was about to go into the bathroom to check on her, and I would love for you to help me out?"
KR-"I would love to, anything for my lil sis"

We head off into the bathroom.

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