Chapter 26- Keeping Up With The Karvatos?

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**Khloé's POV**
(I know all the Kardashians don't live in the same house but for this story they will because it will make things way less complicated)

I'm gonna tell my family about Demi staying here at dinner, I don't really have anything on except for a couple photo shoots so I think this will be great for me and Demi to bond.
(I'm so sorry for the speech because all their names start with a K.. I'll try lmao)
Kh- Khloe     Ki- Kim     Ko- Kourtney   Ke- Kendall     Ky- Kylie     Kr- Kris   R- Rob     B- Bruce     S- Scott

(I'm not trying to portray the Kardashians as being dicks, they just really overshare, are very open about anything and say what is on their minds.)

Kr-"Dinner!" Everyone comes downstairs. We all just talk until I find a good time to bring up Demi.
Kh-"So, you know Demi Lovato right?
Ke-"Omg yes she is my fave!"
Ky-"Yeah that bitch."
Kh-"What the fuck Kylie?!"
Kr-"Settle girls! Yes we know her Khloé, continue."
Kh-"She's gonna be staying here for a while if you don't mind."
Kr-"Yeah that's fine but what if our whole family.. you know..."
Ki-"Gets too much."
Ko-"Yeah like really over the top."
Kh-"She's good,"
Ki-"How are you even friends with her isn't she like 10?"
Kh-"What the fuck? She's 16, and Kim are you really so self involved that you don't pay attention to that program I'm hosting, you know, THE FUCKING X FACTOR."
Kr-"From what i e seen she seems like a lovely girl,"
Ko-"She's a fucking good singer too"
Ky-"But she's a fucking Disney girl."
B-"Kyle language!"
Kh-"Kylie why are you being such a bitch you don't even know her?" She just rolls her eyes at continues eating.
Kr-"Is she any fun or will she not fit in at all?"
Kh-"Shes great, I think she will fit in great, she's got a great personality."
**The next day**
I get ready and drive to pick up Demi.

**Demi's POV**
Khloé arrives and I say goodbye to my parents and sisters and wish Dallas good luck then get in the car with Khloé.
Kh-"Hey babe."
D-"Hey Khlo, are you sure I'm not gonna be a burden to you and your family, what did the-"
Kh-"Woah,woah,woah. They are all excited to meet you, the only concern they had is that WE will be too much on YOU, not the other way around."

We arrive at the house and Khloé unlocks the door to Kim diving on her. Jeez it is a lot, but it's quite fun.
Ki-"Hey, I'm Kim as you probably know," Khloé rolls her eyes and everyone laughs.
D-"I'm Demi nice to meet you" and she pulls me in for a hug.
Kh-"Don't worry Dems everyone knows who you are, it would be hard for someone to not hear your name." I chuckle and meet the rest of the family.

Kylie is closest to my age, but Kendall seems more, I don't know how to put it, genuine.

We all talk for a while, until Khloé takes me upstairs to unpack.
Kh-"So, There's 2 options. Either, you can stay in one of our guest rooms, or you can stay in my room with me. I've got a queen size bed and my room is so fun!" She's trying time persuade me to stay with her, which I want to do, but I'm too annoying to be with all the time.
D-"Well, I mean I'll just get really annoying after a while an-"
Kh-"Demi stop overthinking! I wouldn't have offered if I didn't mean it. If the fact you might be a bit 'annoying' is the only thing putting you off then you staying with me."
D-"Okay!" I go in for a hug.

I start to go through my bag in Khloé's MASSIVE bedroom. I think I might end up liking it here.

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