Chapter 42- Everyone Knows

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**Simon's POV**
What the fuck just happened? All the girls walked out giving me a dirty look.
Lo-"Wow, seriously Simon?
H-"Stop jumping to conclusions like that."
S-"Hold up, I don't get why I'm the bad guy here, Niall's the one getting at it. And Demi got emotional for no fucking reason."
S-"What the fuck Niall? I'm not the one who's fucking her, that's you."
S-"Sure, then how do you explain the makeup all over your tshirt?" I say sarcastically.
N-"Seriously Simon? You really can't take a situation fucking seriously can you? She was balling her eyes out and I comforted her, getting some mascara on my fucking tshirt. Me and Demi aren't dating, we're not fucking each other, SO STOP JUMPING TO FUCKING CONCLUSIONS!"

**Demi's POV**
Me and all the girls go up to Kelly C's bedroom and sit on the bed. I'm wrapped in Kelly C's embrace while I silently cry to myself.
Kh-"D-Dem why didn't you tell me?"
D-" I'm sorry I just thought you'd h-hate me and like chuck me out the house,"
Kh-"Dem I would never do that, I love you too much. How did everyone here find out?" Kelly C tightens her grip on me, hugging me close while I'm in her lap.
KR-"Me, Simon, Britney and Paulina walked in on her doing it, and Kelly C caught her doing it another time. I thought she stopped, we were constantly checking her wrists, but I guess she's really good at hiding it. And then we caught her-" She very quickly shut her mouth. Shit she was about to mention my eating disorder.
Kh-"What were you about to say?"
B-"Yeah, what was it?" It was just both Kelly's that know about my purging.
Kh-"We're all passed the whole secret thing, seriously guys let's be completely honest here," Kelly R looks at me and mouths 'Sorry' then continues.
KR-"Kay, me and Kelly C walked in on, on D p-purging." She said quietly. I feel a tear on my shoulder and Kelly C rock me back and fourth while we both cry.
Kh-"I wasn't gonna say anything until later, but DD you know how Kim was suspicious? Well she went upstairs after dinner and heard sobs, gagging and throwing up." She says while her voice is cracking.
D-"Does she hate me now too? What's with it and your family hating me?"
Kh-"No Dem, she loves you she wants to help you, it's just Kylie that doesn't like you, I don't know why the fuck she doesn't. My mom is OBSESSED with you, she seriously treats you like another daughter, and we think of you as just being another sister."
D-"I feel bad for Kris right now, she might be taking this really hard,"
Kh-"We should call her, but we don't need to do it immediately."

I feel my sleeve being slid up by Kelly C from behind me, she was just fiddling with my hand before but now she's trying to lift my sleeve. I take my other hand and pull my sleeve back down before  she sees anything.
B-"So were do we want to go from this?"
KC-"I don't want us to always be acting weird, but Dem can you please promise us if you feel the urge to cut or purge, grab one of us. We don't care if it's in the middle of the night, just please get one of us. And we will be checking your wrists for any new marks. And we are going to help you at meal times by giving you smaller portions, and you have to stay with one of us for at least an hour after eating, no going to the bathroom."
D-"O..ookay." I feel like I'm being treated like a baby, I know I need it, but I don't like it.
KR-"Did you actually fuck Niall?"
D-"No! Simon just thought that because I was snuggled into his chest."
B-"How did he take the news?"
D-"Really well he said he just wants to help me."
Kh-"Dem, he's like your best friend. Please try to let him in and let him help you."
D-"I know, it's just not that easy. Like what the fuck would happen if he told people private things I tell him?"
KR-"I think you need to have a little faith in him, you're practically destined to be together."
D-"Kellyyyy." The door opens revealing Simon.
S-"Dem can I speak to you for a second?" I slightly nod my head and make my way out into the hallway.
S-"D I'm so sorry, I had no idea about the article, I just suspect the worst. I should have a little more faith in you. Honestly, I don't know why but I just have this instant urge to protect you and look out for you. I know I get a little overprotective, especially after seeing everything you've been through, but it's from a good place. I'm so sorry brat" he said with a slight smirk at the end.
"It's okay grandpa, thanks for looking out for me, I do really appreciate it.. sometimes. You don't need to worry about anything happening between me and Niall, nothing will happen we're just best friends."
S-"Brat, I may be like your Grandpa, but I know what I'm talking about when I say you both like each other. I know how weird you think me telling you about this is, but he definitely likes you. But you're so young, don't rush into anything! He's a year older than you, your only 15, make su-"
D-"Simon you're getting all overprotective again!"
S-"Sorry, one last thing. I want to make sure you feel like you can come to me with anything, I don't like seeing you in pain like this. For example when you sang Skyscraper it was so raw, and you were so vulnerable and your emotions broke my heart. I just want to help,"
D-"Si, thank you so much." He pulls me into a hug.
S-"Kay Brat, but no fucking Niall!"
D-"What the fuck Grandpa! No!"

I go back into the room with all the girls and we all just enjoy the rest of the day together.

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