Chapter 36- Exposed Daddy Issues

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**Demi's POV**
No way.

On Instagram Kylie posted a video of a wall, but if you turn the sound up you can hear me playing 'For The Love Of a Daughter' Holy shit. What do I do. I- shit- fuck. You also hear me talking about my father to Khloé. I burst out of my seat and jump over to Khloé.
D-"K-K-Khloé.." I say with tears threatening to spill. I show her my phone.

She tries to grab my wrist to take me out of the room but I wince, making myself look really suspicious, but there's something more important. Khloé puts her arm around me as we walk into the hall.
D-"K-Khl-Khloé, I-I-I.." She pulls me into a hug as I ball my eyes out.
Kh-"Shhh, it's okay baby, it's okay. I'll make her remove it, let me call Kris.

*On the Phone*
Kh-"You need to sort out your daughter!"
Kr-"Who's crying in the background?"
Kh-"Demi, because YOUR daughter posted a very private conversation we had on Instagram!"
Kh-"Kylie! Make her remove it please!"
Kr-"I'll do that now, please make sure Demi's okay for me,"
Kh-"I will, thank you so much mom,"
Kr-"Love you, see you soon" she hangs up.

Demi is still resting on my shoulder crying.
D-"T-the wholeee w-world knows.." We hear footsteps walking towards us, that speed up to running speed. It's Simon.
S-"Demi? Sweetie come here," He pulls me into a hug.
S-"What happened darling?"
D-"I-I, t-t-the-en s-s-she-e,"
Kh-"My fucking sister posted a video on Instagram of Dem playing one of her unreleased songs, which is too personal to ever be released, and explaining it to me."
S-"What's it about?"
D-"My- uhh- m-my.." I start crying harder into his arms. Khloé says really quietly,
Kh-"Her father." Simon holds me close for a few minutes until I calm down.
S-"You okay D?"
Kh-"My moms trying to get me to get Kylie to remove it now."
D-"T-that's not gonna do anything, it's probably already been reposted by every fan account out there," while Simon and Khloé were discussing what to do,

I get a phone call. I look at the caller ID, 'Nialler <3'
*On phone call*
N-"Hey Demsy!"
D-"H-hey Nialler,"
N-"Dem-Dem, have you been crying?"
D-"Yeah, have you seen Kylies post?"
N-"Yeah it's everywhere, I'm so sorry Dems,"
D-"Everyone fucking knows," I say chocking up.
N-"Had you told anyone else before this was released?"
D-"No, you and Khloé were the only 2 people who knew."
N-"Dem don't worry I bet Kylie will be deteriorated by Lovatics after this."
D-"It doesn't change the fact that my relationship with my fucking abusiv- ...awful father is out there."
N-"D-Dem... did y-you say a-abusive?"
D-"N-No.. I gotta go."
N-"No Dem!"
D-"Sorry, I- uhh.. have to go perform.."
N-"Oh, okay... You'll do so well, good luck! We'll speak later, love you."
D-"Love you too," we hang up.

My conversation with Niall definitely calmed me down. I take a few deep breaths.
Kh-"Who calmed you down?"
D-"Niall, he really helped."
Kh-"That's good I th-" The other girls come out of the dressing room.
KR-"What's taking so lon-" They look at me.
KC-"Dem! You okay?"
D-"Y-yes." They pull me into a hug.
B-"We saw it."
D-"Everyone's seen it."
Kh-"Ok, Dem you have to be on stage in half an hour.. I've got an idea, all I need to do makeup wise, is sort out your eyes to make them look less puffy and add more concealer under your eyes, and possibly do something with your mascara. Kelly C, your hair always looks great, can you do Demi's. Just like beach waves, quite subtle?"
KC-"Yeah of course, I'm gonna go heat up my flat iron."

We go back into my dressing room, and I sit down on a chair with Kelly C behind me doing my hair, and Khloé fixing my makeup.

After like 20 minutes, Khloé fixes my makeup and Kelly gave my long, blonde, ombréd pink hair a subtle beach wave. Kelly R passes me my tote bag with my outfit.
KR-"Here you go, go change."

I go into the bathroom and quickly throw on my outfit. I just look fat, I don't know if I can wear this. I have to. I quickly made my way out of the bathroom and look down as everyone gushes over how 'cute' and 'pretty' I look.
D-"Kim chose the outfit."
KR-"She did a great job! You look so good Dem!"

I put on my black 4 inch heels.
Kh-"Even with those heels your still the smallest out of all of us," she says laughing.
KC-"Go kill it out there, you're gonna be so great."
D-"thanks.." We all walk out and meet the Kardashians at the side of the stage.

Kris is really supportive and Kim and Kourt are reassuring me I'm gonna be good. The announce my name and I walk on stage, here goes nothing.
(Performance YouTube video linked at the top)

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